New map feels unfun to play

Hello there!

As a player that likes a challenge and likes to play Damnation and Auric i have to say that the new Map is really really unfun to play.

First the good stuff:
The Art, the Layout, the IDEA of the open spaces are great.
It looks amazing, really it does.

The Gameplay though…i feel frustrated when i play it, regardless of class.

The Map features a lot of open spaces and elevation differences and this is where the problems derive from.
As a player it feels extremly unfun and actually unfair to just get gunned down.

If you dont have a Dome-Psyker with you the game can be extremly frustrating.

In the old Darktide Maps there usually were 1, maximum 2 areas from which enemies could come from, in really rare ocassions more - but these rare occasions are in tight spaces, where you have hard cover to play around.

In the new map you dont have that. Ranged enemies attack you always from 2, mostly from 3 directions, sometimes with elevation differences - AND on ranges that are not made for this game with pinpoint accuracy.
If i only have an ironsight you really should not design a map where enemies shoot you from 30+ meters away, it feels awful.

As a zealot for example i charge a cluster of ranged, kill them…but while i kill them i get shot at from 2 other clusters, extremly far away.
Its frustrating.

How to fix this?
One of or multiple of these suggestions might help:

  1. Limit Ranged spawns on this map SEVERLY.
  2. Reduce ranged max range significantly.
  3. Add a LOT of hard Cover to the Map. We need to be able to traverse and fight without being gunned down constantly.
  4. Give the players a lot more ranged options including ranged scopes to counter the far away enemies.

If the other maps are like this im afraid to continue playing this game, its just unfun.
Which is a shame, because Auric on Throneside for example is AMAZING and that map has some good wide areas as well.

Thanks for this game and taking this feedback into consideration.
For the Omnissiah!

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then don’t play it

The amount of ranged enemies in general seem to have been increased, following the update.

I feel the same about it being the most annoying mission. Shooters far away at cross angles and disablers in your back. Rinse, repeat.

im on the opposite side of OP. thats what makes this map fun. its a lil more challenging and requires players to move and play more dynamically. Map pace and density is pretty good, other maps could use this love on T5

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No. The map allocation in mission hub and mob spawns need tweeking. It’s fun and challenging but the balance is off. People are playing it because Carnival seems to be the Quick Play default. People are encouraged to quick play especially for the 20% bonus. So not only do they lose out on the bonus they are forced onto a map that takes twice as long and almost everyone wipes

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