Personally I’m not a fan that the mini games on Hab Dreyko are 1. Completely Random and 2. Completely out in the open, so it’s very easy to get shot while doing them. However I have only played it once, so that is just first impressions.
It looks really awesome. I do wish more of the corruption had seeped into the habitation areas as a better build up towards the end event but it’s still great.
Penances are 50/50. Some of them are really poorly designed and thought out.
Very dissapointed by lack of a weapon balance pass, however small.
Hope we get something substantial before FS goes on Summer Holiday but that seems unlikely. Although I guess isn’t the Skulls for the Skull Throne event in May? Or is that wrong?
had to learn the new puzzle on the fly in high int damnation.
I still giggle that I the ogryn was the only able to figure it out in all the chaos.
but otherwise I’ve been enjoying the changes. the map puzzles and nick nack findings make retracing older maps feel like theres something to work towards.
I think things are at the very least on the right track. now for the silence followed by an announcement within 3 days of the next release XP
the mechanics of the new one are much more annoying, but the old map’s auspex mechanics led to more wipes because it often led to people splitting up at bad times, so i’ve got mixed feelings about it. i do miss the old map anyways.
still think we need more maps where there’s a long exit phase where you fight you way out after the final mission like this one has though. every other map’s got like a third of the distance at best and there’s usually not enough spawns left over to really make it a fight.
Personally I enjoyed the old one because it was actually very difficult and hectic (which a finale should be) and I’m disappoitned they replaced it with yet another fight 1 wave → press button → repeat finale. Very boring
They need more (new) monstrosities/bosses, that only appear at the end of runs.
Plague bearers
Plague toads
Rot flies
Hearld’s of Nurgle
Vile servants.
All are lesser daemons, all of them can bring unique mechanics to end battles in all maps.
Silo-cluster - Plague toads, the sources of the waters poison
Hab Dreyko - Nurglings tending the tree
Refinery Delta - Vile Servants, the creating the new virus’s and toxins.
etc etc
Darktide has so much potential, if only they seized it.