New event has very little HISTG and HI

In the first hours of launch it was indeed mostly in the dark and hounds, now it is almost only histg.

I hate histg because the server lag gets so ridicilous i even start to moonwalk when i dogde. It is extreme server lag on histg to the point i cant play them.

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This a PS5 thing? I only ask because Iā€™m on PC, and no modifier or difficulty gives me any form of lag. I had to fiddle around with my settings a decent bit, but the game runs pretty well with what I tweaked and the only times Iā€™ll ever get hiccups are when people leave and join the game (which I think is just something their engine canā€™t handle for some reason as it makes/disconnects a connection). Otherwise itā€™s pretty smooth/thereā€™s no real issues even in extremely dense hordes.

might be a server thing i had some issues with lag 2 and 3 days ago

I need still 13 such missionsā€¦
Problem can be solved easily, when they allow us to use party finder to create our own mission with the choice of all parametersā€¦ yes I dreamā€¦

I donā€™t hate themā€¦ but I donā€™t appreciate them. I donā€™t like that they have to spawn 365 specials to make them dangerous.
They buffed so many things that nowā€¦ it is difficult for them to keep things difficult without throwing more and more on usā€¦

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:smoking: custom gamesā€¦

i doubt thats gonna happen 90% of this forum is people attacking anyone that voices their concern about any problem in the game

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