Infected Mobians
Cranial Parasite (but with the weakened Beast of Nurgles! 8 full health monsters was too much)
The Karnak fights
bring back
and permanently in mission board (or at least a chance that they can roll still)
but yes i agree
not even sure why they do fomo… rip
Yea, the Twins ambush were great change of pace. Sad that they’re now restricted to the raid.
Even the aftermath event that was just the one twin trying to assassinate the team was good. It was good stuff, fighting new different enemies is good!
i fear they double down on havoc despite multiple statements of displeasure from various backgrounds and sources.
this is one of the situations again, where adding the option wouldnt “split” a playerbase that isnt there, but giving those actively opting out of havoc something to do besides stale HISTG and auric maelstrom.
thems with premades dont want for people in havoc those without dont look for people in havoc (of course i exaggerate to make a point)
being able to play free from the liver with your own loadout and victory in YOUR hands is just so much more motivating than hushing from bubble to wololo with a mandatory setup, is all.
the whole board needs work.
we have a lot of good modifiers now but non are in rotation, we have hounds(boring) and vent purge/power outage which are similar enough since the idle hoards do not function correctly in power outage and finally toxgas which is a joke.
i think fatshark needs a voting system in game where on a weekly bases we could choose the modifiers for next weeks modifiers
ie high intensity and high intensity shocktroopers being standard while 4 other modifiers rotate
we could have melee/mobians/caranial/horrors/pus/blight in standard rotation instead of the others
Part of me appreciated the “Event to Havoc Mode” pipeline, but then the rest of me remembers that Havoc mode’s a mess, so yeah! Bring the mods to Auric!
Tangentially, I’d really like to see Hourglass variants of power outage (Night time) and vent purge (Dust Storm) be added. I know it’d be more work, which is why we don’t have them now, but come on! They’d be so cool! And would make for decent Event themes.
why on earth HISTG isnt a 24/7 base modifier akin to auric maelstrom is beyond me.
once a week a hound or vent is okay-ish, but 6 times in a row there was no HISTG brute conscripts so i had to pick one without event.
“had to” as in terms the others just aint fun.
like a 200 piece buffet but 199 tast like
i concede havoc is a higher difficulty setting and therefor more “prestigeous” BUT that comes with an unfun corset of talents and loadouts i simply dont want to play for completions sake.
HISTG and maelstrom you can creatively and skillfully clutch, carry, go nuts and above, free from the liver.
which has a unique adrenalin flow and reward to it as well as a broader spectrum of skills on display.
playing quicktime event between yellow toughness and bubbles aint nowhere the same.
reminds me of “german boxing” in ancient times, stand stiff opposed to each other and trade blows, no footwork, no nuffin.
I really don’t mind the Havoc modifiers. The only one I think maybe should be a Havoc exclusive is Emperor’s Fading Light.
Pus Hardened Skin and Blight Spreads are fine, too. But after getting into a few 40’s I’m not entirely convinced that the unique modifiers are its biggest or best selling point of that mode. Hopefully Havoc gets an update… or Monstrous Specials!
Twins or do you mean captains?
There was an event prior to the release of the Special Assignment; there was a chance for one of the twins to spawn during regular games.
Oh I see it must have been an event I missed as I had joined after November 2023, that must have been exciting to have experienced! I think they wouldn’t bring back the twins since the storyline is moving towards Rindas ascension and her brother being unalived. The Dark Communion left things so open ended, it made me wonder if they were attempting to resurrect Rodin, or was his body being used to bring something else (i.e. a Nurglite Daemon), or some way as an already unalive sacrifice to aid in Rindas ascension?
same i really cant stomach hounds/power outage more than once or twice a week. another issue with power outage is that it is broken, its supposed to have idle hoards that only move once a player bumps into them but i have only seen that once or twice ever
i wish the board would just be high sock/high inensity with some roating modifiers.
monstrous and moebians. explodey heads and brute conscrips are also fine. make auric great again.