I’m pleased.
This was my “wouldn’t it be cool if…” wish for vermintide since undead were hinted at in the first game’s finale. Didn’t think there was a chance of it actually happening. Bring on the spook.
I’m pleased.
This was my “wouldn’t it be cool if…” wish for vermintide since undead were hinted at in the first game’s finale. Didn’t think there was a chance of it actually happening. Bring on the spook.
I also cant wait for tf2 ai skeletons to kill rats for me
Genuine question - what would your choice have been? Why don’t you like summons as an idea?
I think summons sound awesome, a disable or a distraction like SoTT’s staff/shrubbery, only more dynamic as they can deal damage and move. Raise some dead around a Chaos warrior, then scythe it in the face while it’s distracted. An overcharge bar that increased each time you raised dead would be super cool, but I suspect any minion type ability she has will be her ultimate and her staff will still deal direct damage in the form of Dhar/Shyish instead of Aqshy.
To be honest we don’t even know what form her summoning would take.
For all we know her skills might just be to summon a skeleton for the player of dead characters to control until their actual characters are rescued.
Though my personal preference is to summon actual henchmen. Skaven zombies from Skaven and man sized zombies from rotbloods.
Right? I can entirely see them not doing any sort of minion summoning even, there is no AI vs AI system in any of the tide games, but I seriously hope they’ve built something new specifically for this and that’s why it took so long. Just being another nuke wizard with a different flavor of magic would be super underwhelming. I doubt that’s going to be the case though, why go to the effort of making something so out of left field as a necromancer and not let them necromance stuff!
Being able to raise dead enemies would be the absolute best! Different levels of enemies would require different amounts of overcharge. Spam up 10 skaven slaves, or one stormvermin before you have to vent.
That seems like loads more work though, would a raised chaos warrior keep it’s moveset? Would its stagger and cleave apply when attacking its former allies? It would be awesome, but I’d wager a dedicated skeleton minion is more likely/easier to implement.
I mean, the game have bots and that’s AI vs. AI already.
Better yet, bots are straight up BETTER than players 75% of the time. Bots understand the importance of staying close together. Bots know how to aim their damn weapons. Bots don’t rejoin your game to shoot you in the back of the head just because your team vote kicked the trash player.
Yeah it sucks that bots sometimes waste healing…but how’s that different for 75% of other players you get in quickplay?
…sorry I didn’t mean to accidentally turn this into a rant against garbage players that appears in QP. PS4.
If you’re not already playing Cataclysm, I recommend switching to it. More team oriented players, and its honestly easier than legend a lot of the time as the people that just want to grind don’t play it. You get a more easy going type of teammate in my experience.
You’re right about bots, I guess I was thinking more along the lines of mob vs mob instead of a computer controlling a playable character. As I think about, Left 4 Dead did it pretty well with bile bombs. They had a lot less enemy variety, but you could still distract specials with bile and they would just use their basic melee attack. Doesn’t seem like a stretch to implement something like that, but skeletons are so iconic for Warhammer Necromancers. A staff that raised a skeleton on right click, basic ranged attack on left, and then an AoE raise dead for the career skill would be super cool.
Its obviously HERESY!!! so we’ll have to put more of the FatShark employees on the pyre for this one.
But anyway I didn’t see it coming and while some, or one, people I play with will rage against the, in his opinion, un-lore decision to turn Sienna into a Necromancer I think that I’ll wait for a while before I decide if I like it from a fluff perspective or not. Crunch-wise I think this could be really cool.
Beast Mage, when?
I love the necromencer news. i think she will be in some weird state where fire and death have fused. the other won’t be pleased but will accept it as they know sienna.
The reason why I always rooted for Necromancer is because it’s the only way to retain her identity as a caster while staying true to her character and lore.
As much as I’d love to see an Amber Wizard in Vermintide, Sienna is a human and humans can’t wield more than one wind of magic.
So her choices were either…
-ANOTHER bright wizard variant (she’s already got 3, move on)
-a non-caster (what’s the point?)
-chaos sorcerer (now THAT would be out of character)
-Necromancer (Kruber and Saltzpyre won’t like it, but there’s already basis for good necromancers in the setting already, including Balthazar Gelt)
I don’t really care for Order of Fury or anything that doesn’t give her a completely wild and new lore of magic to use. So for me it’s always been Necromancer.
I already am, though a lot with bots
NOT easy and often quite frustrating…but it was doable. But a gripe I found with Cataclysm is that it goes a bit immersion breaking at times. Which is fine because Cata is the try hard mode that focuses on making as brutal an experience first and foremost.
With that being said I truly wish this game implemented a level gameplay condition slider. Like, say…“literal nonstop Clanrats/slave hordes on 100% uptime”