Sienna’s damage over time effects last 100% longer.
I would use the word ‘delay’ instead of ‘last’. This sentence tells me her DoTs have more ticks, thus it deals more damage. But it doesn’t.
Sienna’s damage over time effects are delayed by 100%.
I would transfer half of its special attack damage to a DoT with 2 ticks.
Scythe is a decent weapon, nothing exceptional, this could be a buff. This change would help where slow weapons need the most help, when fighting surrounded. And there are many-many maps where we are surrounded.
Necro’s cursed blood talent would benefit (burning enemies may burst).
Necro’s soul harvest talent could use it (death of flaming enemies gives souls, 8 of them grant a crit).
BW’s lingering flames would benefit. Currently it’s an even worse talent, than it was before the autumn changes.
UC’s chain reaction talent could use it (burning enemies may burst). Also enfeebling flames (less damage from burning enemies).
+5% ranged power from casting spells. 6 seconds, 5 stacks.
I’m not quite sure but maybe reduced casting time would be more appealing when using her soulstealer staff. Maybe it’s just me, but extra ranged power is unnecessary on legend. On the other hand quicker soul stealing would be good. +10% casting time reduction, 3 stacks.
Casting raise dead reduces damage by 80% for the next 3 attacks.
This talent makes playing necro safer than IB. I get less damage when playing her compared to playing IB.
I think 50% would be enough, and still a very good talent. I didn’t test it, this is just a guess.
Extra skeletons.
This is a useless talent choice. It should reduce ult cooldown either by a static value or a dinamic, for example when a skeleton dies for whatever reason. This way she would have her ult always ready when needed.
I’m not sure this is enough, maybe her extra skeletons should also last for 30 sec.
Giving all light attacks and the first heavy attack +10% crit chance would combo with Necro’s Reaping talent (unlimited cleave and +25% power on crits).
The first heavy attack is an uppercut, and most uppercuts have +10% crit chance.
After further play this isn’t required. Necro makes crowbill work.