Name our weapons and plasteel crunching

can we please, please get a section in the crafting station that lets us give our guns nick names? Not only have I gotten super attached to several of my weapons and love the crap out of them but further with some guns like my revolvers I have doubles of them so that they can each be given different blessings and sockets and its starting to get hard to remember which one is which with how many guns I have.

second could we please get a conversion rate for plasteel to diamondnite and maybe even vice versa? I have so much plasteel but never ever enough diamondnite so I wish I could like trade 50 plasteel for like ten diamondnite maybe?

If you’re on PC, you can use a mod to be able to name your loot. You can also install a different mod to be able to mark favorites and prevent accidental selling.

As for the plasteel to diamantine ratio, you must be new - most of the grind people are angry with is the other way around. Too much diamantine, not enough plasteel. Trust me, you’ll be disillusioned soon enough. I agree on the conversion for diamantine to plasteel, though.

Never enough of this junk.


I am by no means new the lowest I play on is heresy with modifiers and I play quite a bit of damnation too. on my vet all of my weapons are maxed at transcendent and none of my gear is less that a score of 500 and most are 520 to 547. I have the damnation Karnak twins badge and have completed the highest lvl penances for dregs and scabs plus tier 3 purge the heretic IDK why but I haven’t had a problem with pasteel in months but I never ever have enough diamondnite. I’m not sure why for me the reverse is true to everyone else. Frankly I’m shocked that plasteel shortages are a problem for players.

edit. As of rn I have 13,735 plasteel and 441 diamondite.

I’ve noticed a lot less total materials picked up on each run, and oftentimes the diamantine take is like 150 on damnation (some players will literally pass over these pick ups since they aren’t plasteel). I think if you stopped crafting for any period of time you would logically overtake diamantine hard. I mean I have 200k of P and 100k D as of writing. I gave up on crafting ages ago, at best I might upgrade one of the ‘new’ variants from late last year.

I barely craft anymore because I almost never play anything but my vet as I’m one of the guard fan bois. I pretty much only craft period if I get a really high stated drop that can compete with my current stuff so thats maybe one gun upgrade fr every 10 matches since I don’t seem to have good luck with rolls anymore making me think I must be close to maxed loot rolls

If you’re not crafting much and you still somehow don’t have any Diamantine then you are frequenting games where people do not pick up loot, possibly yourself included. I loot like a rat every game because pubs cannot be trusted to pick up anything, so Diamantine is never a problem for me. I have well over 60K Diamantine and I only have 30K Plasteel at the moment by the grace of not having crafted much of anything recently. When I was hungry for godrolls I would easily spend 20-30K Plasteel in search of one. Still, it would be nice to convert between currencies.


it’s mostly the former unfourtnately 90% of the time I’m running pick up games and everyone is running those like a speed run it also doesn’t help that with my maxed out cloak assist build I spend a lot of my time babysitting for revives when teamates go down. I’m not fantastic but I often find that soon after I go down it’s almost always the begining of a tpk. Sneak 100 is and always has been op lol

You seem to have a good team mindset but you want and need plasteel so I have something I can suggest here. I’ve played a very similar build, in fact, it’s my current favorite for farming Damnation pubs.

Figure out what your lowest sprint cost and highest sprint speed weapon is in your current loadout. This is the weapon you’ll habitually use to run around as much as you can when it’s safe. Take 1-2 (or even 3) Sprint Efficiency on your Curios. Sprint Efficiency often gets a bad rep but plasteel farming requires a lot of movement to and from the team so it’s ok here. If you aren’t already doing it a Sprint into a Slide preserves stamina but is relatively faster than walking. You don’t always have to do this but it’s an undeniable fact that plasteelionaire life benefits from ample stamina. All of those things combined will make it possible to travel vast distances in a reasonable timeframe, especially using Infiltrate’s movement speed bonus with Leave No One Behind. What comes next is you want to have a great idea of where all the plasteel is on the maps that you’re playing. This takes time.

Once you’ve incorporated the other tips and learn the following insight you’ll be able to fully immerse yourself in the plasteelionaire grindset, the most important part. See, low sprint cost and high speed don’t just enable you to catch up or even surpass your team. The best knife users all know that those two factors make it possible to run circles around your team. So long as you pick where you want to loot with consideration for how your team is doing you will remain in this fantastic and unique position of being able to loot, assist, or even force skirmishes ahead of the team in your favor that have little to no risk. After all, if you can’t handle it, you can just run back to your team and have them help you. If you can handle it, well, that’s a lot less worries for your team across the entire match. I absolutely recommend paying close attention to horde spawn sounds if you’re farming. That is the one time where it is most worth weighing the potential reward of a few plasteel versus losing the game if the director cracks your team.

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