Music almost entirely absent since last hotfix

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

Since the recent patch, it is noticeable that music doesn’t often play for a mission. You’ll sometimes get the music play for a little bit during the climactic encounters, but my friends (on PC MS Store version) report that the music will sometimes abruptly cut out during these encounters too. I have gone entire missions where the only music heard is the music that plays for the extract.

Environmental / enemy sound appears to be working normally.

I know this affects at least 9 people (myself included) across both Steam and MS Store.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam


Got the same issue. I assume it’s got something to do with the
“Removed Horde type music from ambush events.”
and it makes the game a lot less to play when you don’t hear music for the majority of a mission.

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The soundtrack is what makes this game, so it being absent when it shouldn’t be is a VERY bad thing.

Indeed, this is a very serious matter
I often don’t know when the enemy is coming to attack our team because I can’t hear the sound

The game has lost a lot of intensity with encounters being devoid of music.

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Do you still have this issue? If so, could please send a video where it happens?

I know that ambush horde music was removed by design but the abruptly cut out sounds like something else.