Ambush Music

In a recent patch, there was an adjustment so that horde music doesn’t play during ambushes, but I think this change was for the worse. I love the music in this game and I know many other people feel the same. Ambushes just feel empty without the tunes, and I think it should be brought back. I understand that we want to better distinguish between ambushes and full-on hordes, but I still feel like ambushes could use some music.


I thought that was a bug. Is it intentional?

It’s like it won’t play for the first few hordes, then later in a mission it’ll start playing.


I would definitely call it a bug too, at least i don’t recall reading anything related to that in the patch notes.


Yeah, it was an intentional change last patch. Bear in mind that ambushes and hordes are similar, so it just feels like you play the mission, you fight the dudes, and there’s less music.


yeah instantly stopped searching Mercantile because of this. I guess you still get one new track when bosses appear, but like what the heretical kark is this

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Oke that’s actually sad.


To me it was perfect the way it was. Sucks to have no music on ambushes now.

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Yes, this was deliberately changed and reported in the patch notes.

Reflecting on this change, it now sticks out like a sore thumb. Fatshark - please work to revert things change (and fix other sound issues as well). The soundtrack is such a key part of this game’s appeal and experience - we need to hear more of it!

@FatsharkCatfish @FatsharkQuickpaw @FatsharkStrawHat


Well that explains that. Honestly I didn’t realize this was intentional. Like I’ll start playing my own music. I won’t like it, but I’ll do what I gotta do.

I thought this was a bug! Are you kidding me? It’s like a totally different (worse) game.

An embarrassing question but… What are “ambushes”? I thought hordes spawning and coming out from all around you would be an ambush. What’s this constitute?


Generally, hordes come from one direction and ambushes come from all directions, but because of the pathing, wave size and door behaviour (enemies a certain distance away will try to get closer via doors, the closest of which may be behind you) they barely feel different nowadays.

Hordes being chopped up into discrete waves like they are now post-patch 13 only make it feel samey and worse. The only real difference is the sound cue (or lack of one).


On higher difficulties, with that distinction, I thought all hordes were ambushes. I don’t recall on Damnation too many times pox walkers come at you from only one direction. But maybe I haven’t been paying that close attention to it.

Yeah, the distinction is mostly gone at higher difficulties: the horde and ambush timers doesn’t seem to have been adjusted for the new spawn pattern, hordes and ambush dribble in because of the chopped up waves which slows horde clear overall, so they keep on overlapping.

They can say technically the hordes remained the same size on console as they were on PC pre-13, but if you go back down to Heresy or even normal Damnation the split, discrete waves are very noticeable.

IIRC ambushes are meant to be only about half the size of hordes, so 2 waves instead of 4.


Just seconding this. If it was a change to make them more “surprising”, it hasn’t worked. Occasionally you end up fighting an ambush (aka just a mini-horde) in complete silence, and it feels so awkward when we’re so used to the fantastic soundtrack.

I’m hoping it was removed as a temporary means of making the broken sound queues slightly less broken or easier to hear, and we’ll see if implemented back when they finally fix that. Otherwise, I hope they’ll add some unique ambush music instead, possibly triggering much later and fading in once the players have started fighting it.

Either way, the game isn’t quite the same without it.

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The new maps feel incredibly lame without the cool music playing during certain sections. I don’t think those were ambushes, so I feel like fatshark might not be aware that they removed more than just ambush music.
In any case it’s a change for the worse. Slightly sad that all the christmas and holiday sales players experienced a version of the game with essentially missing music.

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