Moving Forward and Sprinting Mid Heavy/Push-Attack Cancels Attack Animation for Some Weapons

Hello! I do not know whether instances of the “bug” I am about to report are indeed bugs, an intended feature of gameplay, or due to my own hardware/software issues, so, feel free to correct my assertion on whether this is actually a bug or not.

Simply put: for some weapons, heavy and even push attacks can be canceled by sprinting and pressing forward simultaneously. This cancellation can take the form of the attack animation being canceled, and a new (im assuming the heavy-1 of a particular move set, in case of heavy attacks) attack animation commences, or, the attack animation will outright not begin/finish, even though there is an audio cue for it finishing.

This of course leads to some problems. The biggest problem of all is it makes gameplay feel quite clunky at times, and it can frustrate players not having attacks go out or resetting during the heat of battle.

I think it necessary to list some general answers to some questions some may have:

-The assigned key for sprint is only assigned to sprint, no other action shares the same key as sprint.
-The bug only occurs when sprint and forward are pressed.
-The bug most frequently occurs on the second heavy attack of move sets, usually reverting to the first heavy attack.
-The bug can be replicated in-game as well as in the meat grinder
-I have stable internet and fps.
-I have the newest installation of both Darktide and hardware drivers.

Steps to Produce

Now onto some examples of the bug, I tried to include an example from each class, there may be more weapons that have this bug, though, due to limitations, I can not test all the weapons I suspect to have this bug:

Ogryn- Bull Butcher III Cleaver

Bug description: It seems as though the heavy-2 of the bull butcher can be animation canceled by pressing sprint and forward simultaneously. It looks as though the animation is canceled and the heavy-1 of the move set takes its place. More so, by pressing sprint and forward simultaneously, the push-attack of the weapon will sometimes give the audio cue for the move going off, but the animation will not occur, resulting in the move not going out.

Steps to produce bug:

Heavy attack:

  1. Stand still
  2. Use heavy-1
  3. When charging heavy-2, press forward and sprint simultaneously
  4. The animation for the heavy 2 will cancel, reverting to heavy-1

Push attack:

  1. Move forward and press sprint simultaneously
  2. Push attack
  3. More often than not, the sound cue for the weapon will go off, but no animation for the attack will occur

Veteran- Munitorium Mk III Power Sword

Bug description: The heavy-2 of the power sword can also be canceled mid-animation through a similar process as the bull butcher. By sprinting and moving forward during the animation of the heavy-2, the move will cancel and revert to the heavy-1 animation.

Steps to produce bug:

Heavy attack:

  1. Stand still
  2. Use heavy-1
  3. When charging heavy-2, press forward and sprint simultaneously
  4. The animation for the heavy 2 will cancel, reverting to heavy-1

Zealot- Atrox Mk VII Tactical Axe and Catachan Mk III Combat Blade

Bug description: Two of the Preacher Zealot’s most used weapons, the Mk VII tactical axe and combat blade, also suffer from this bug, though, what should be noted is that the tactical axe has no problems with its push attack, and the combat blade has no problems with using its heavy attack, this shows that a weapon can experience the bug in either its heavy or push attack move set, but not necessarily both. In the case of the tactical axe, the heavy-2 can be canceled, and the combat blade’s push attack can be canceled.

Steps to produce bug:

Heavy attack on tactical axe:

  1. Stand still
  2. Use heavy-1
  3. When charging heavy-2, press forward and sprint simultaneously
  4. The animation for the heavy 2 will cancel, reverting to heavy-1

Push attack on combat blade:

  1. Move forward and press sprint simultaneously
  2. Push attack
  3. More often than not, the sound cue for the weapon will go off, but no animation for the attack will occur

Psyker- Maccabian Mk IV Dueling Sword

Bug description: Finally, the psyker’s Mk IV Dueling sword suffers from the bug in its push attack. By pressing forward and sprint simultaneously. Like other weapons, its push attack animation will not commence, even though an audio cue of it finishing is heard, this results in no damage being done and a cancelation of the move entirely.

Steps to produce bug:

Push attack:

  1. Move forward and press sprint simultaneously
  2. Push attack
  3. More often than not, the sound cue for the weapon will go off, but no animation for the attack will occur

Important to note: the bug can occur on heavy attacks in not just standing still, it can also be produced by moving forward, and on the charge of the heavy-2, pressing sprint at that moment has the exact same effect.

Additional Information

Mission: any mission
Platform: steam
Time: anytime
Reproduction Rate: often (75%)

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