MANY WEAPONS heavy 2 (and countless various light attacks) is cancelled by sprinting

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I think I found a fairly large issue that has been a key factor in making many weapons feel terrible, laggy, and broken. I chalked this up to server latency until now but I finally found the exact issue. I assume that it’s some sort of missing animation chain.

Some weapons heavy 2 gets cancelled entirely by starting sliding or starting up a sprint while it occurs. Doesn’t happen to any other attack as far as I can tell, and most weapons aren’t affected by this. Feels terrible to use this attack when movement is involved due to this. Results in very clunky attack resets when trying to sprint or slide between enemies while using heavy attacks. Weapons without this behavior feel fine and work as expected during all movement actions (except for the powermaul, which I wrote a seperate report about)

Expected behavior is like other weapons: The attack animation plays out and doesn’t cancel, and the sprint starts after the attack finished. Starting a slide is possible during Heavy 2 on these weapons (unlike the listed ones)

List of weapons this happens to on heavy 2 (I tested every weapon in the game, the list is conclusive)
Ogryn Cleavers (all)
Ogryn Slab Shield
Ogryn Grenadier Gauntlet
Zealot Crusher
Zealot Heavy Sword (only heavy 2 is affected, on the MK IX with a heavy 3 it works just like the heavy 1)
Zealot Thunder Hammer (on the Ironhelm, Heavy 2 AND 3 are affected)
Veteran shovels (all)
Combat Axes (all) (only heavy 2 is affected, on the Achlys with a heavy 3 it works just like the heavy 1)
Chain Axe (all)
Devils Claw Sword
Chainsword XIIIg (the other exception to the rule. On this weapon it happens only on heavy 3.)

Notable observation: A lot of the weapons this happens on will chain heavy 1 in a broken way if you hold sprint, forward and keep heavy attacking (for example, the Vet shovel will keep spamming the right to left hit and keep resetting the weapon to that side) On the weapons this doesn’t happen on, those never have this behavior.
Also, chain weapons will cancel their revved up sawing animations mid enemy-sawing when sprint is inputted only on these attacks.

Edit: I initially wrote this topic about one specific weapon but as I tested more it seems that a large amount of weapons in the game have this issue, feels like half of them. Note that the issue is almost always affecting heavy 2.

Edit 2: Further testing reveals that many light attacks have the same issue, but on light attacks it’s way more random. For example, on the Krourk IV cleaver, Light 2 only has this issue. On the Krourk VI cleaver, Light 3 has this issue only. On the MK3 Latrine shovel, Light 2 and 3 have the issue. On the MK2 club, light 3 and 4 get cancelled. On the XIIg chainsword, Light 2, 3 and 4 have the issue. The other attacks work as expected and arent reset by movement. There are weapons that don’t have this issue on any of the attacks. I won’t do all the testing labor here, I think at this point someone on a salary has got to do it.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. put on listed weapons
  2. use whichever combo you prefer to get to heavy 2 (or various light attacks as mentioned)
  3. start up a sprint or slide (maybe the same thing technically?) as the attack goes off. You can also just hold sprint while doing heavy attack combos and moving forward and it cancels the attack before it even starts.
  4. watch as the attack instantly cancels, not damaging anything

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Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

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