Hello. I wanted to do a new post to try and discuss something not being talked about (as far as I can see). This will touch on but not expand upon my post regarding advanced classes. I recommend reading that if you haven’t. It can be found here
Ok I want to start with movement speed. As mentioned I think that the Zealot should have the highest base with the Veteran behind it. I am not sure how Darktide handles movement speed so I will speak in general to show where I am going with this
A lot of shooter games base the movement speed on the weapon alone. Very few base it on overall equipment weight. Some examples of equipment weight systems (in general) would include Mass Effect 3, and Tarkov. I think Mass Effect had an easier to understand, or more simplistic one (of the mentioned games). I will use that to get the point across
With Mass Effect 3, your equipment weight was determined by the class, the weapon, and what level of research the gun was. Some weapons start out heavy but once you research them to level 10 the weight goes down
I think Dartkide should of done a hybrid system in which it did have an overall equipment but keep the movement speed of the guns at the same time. Example to illustrate:
Let us say the Preacher is 5.20 meters a second movement speed base, and Sharpshooter is 5.10… Then if you equip a heavy weapon like the bolter, that would be reduced by .10
5 meters a second is the typical movement speed for modern shooting games when using an SMG. That is where the number comes from. Either way that is what I would of liked to see
Ok the last step in this movement speed business is the resistances. As mentioned, I think classes should have certain resistances specific to their design. Suppression/Stun being one of the many resistances I am referring to. Classes like the Veteran don’t care about suppression reducing the movement speed because of it using distance to its advantge. That is the logic I would like to see applied on this front
And last on my list is the weapons themselves. Given that I have mentioned weapon weight I would like to finish my post by talking about the weapons need to fit the class. I will use the Preacher as an example for this one
Preacher does have that adding stagger talent right below Blood Letting (I forget the name at the time of this post). It is clear that it is like the first Kruber class from VT 2 in that it can be great for clearing hordes on its own. The problem is that it doesnt have a cleave weapon with armour penetration (keyword), and can respond quickly. Hammer strong strikes takes too long to get going. Any weapon like Power Sword would take too long to get the electric charge going
Because it doesn’t have that, it makes it more difficult to clear hordes for the team because the cleave weapons you have access to will get stuck on armoured enemies (pending where it hits)
Whichever weapon fills this void would need to be one that doesn’t reduce the movement speed much due to this being a “blitz” class. And I think it needs to be crowd control, armour penetration keyword
That is all I have. I am hoping that the Devs improve this game. It has a lot of potential but between the enemy design, constant crashes or disconnects… I am worried too many people will skip this game. It just isn’t VT 2 quality