Mouse sensitivity sometimes gets Weird until relaunch

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

Sometimes, in-game sensitivity feels extremely sluggish until client relaunch. Have never observed on first mission after a client launch; occasionally seems to happen after some missions (possibly related to leaving mid-mission? although i’ve noticed it after a mission that ended normally, after two matchmade teammates both disconnected)

only ever happens in a lowered-sensitivity manner and not a higher sensitivity. Upping sensitivity in-game helps alleviate, but after adjusting to 2x, 3.somethingX, 6x, my usual sens to ‘fix’ it a couple times (and then having to reset to 1x after relaunch), I stopped messing with that and just proceed to straight relaunch.

I use an 800dpi mouse @ 1.0x sens usually; I’ve tried two other backup mice (also 800dpi) to rule out weird mouse issues.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

nothing consistent determined yet :frowning:

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, and I’ve tried disabling them

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Common (<50%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam