It would be great for community building to have a place in the morningstar hub where players could meet and interact ! A place like the “tavern” we saw in cinematics ! Here some ideas that could be nice to do in this place :
Minigame to lose our millions ordo dockets :
Maybe a simple card game with bet, dart, knife throwing, arm wrestling, or wathever !
Wall of glory :
Each week we could see portraits on the wall of the player who killed the highest number of heretics, the player who succed the most of Auric Maelstrom mission, the player who take less damage, something like that ! It could create legendary player in the community !
Bartender :
NPC selling emotes and giving unusual quest like finishing malice/heresy/damnation mission with a specific weapon ! Reward could be specific ressource to buy the emotes ?!
Billboard :
Player could form group here ! Asking for some guardmsen or a missing ogryn ? You could use the billboard to find a specific classe ! Party members should stay together from missions to other missions…
Locker :
Player could find some lockers in wich they could store their stuff, for those who want to simplify their inventory or being sure to not sell or destruct a unused nice weapon !
It could be fun to have a social place like that in the Hub ! Seing ogryns armwrestling, guardsmen drinking licor, zealoth playing with their knifes, and psyker doing psychic trick to cheat during a card game ! A tavern/bar could give us fresh air between two mission ! Please FS, think about that !
Agree 100%. During one of the cutscenes, there’s an area like this shown, so they’ve probably already got a bar/mess area built – wish they’d put it in the hub!
I’m hoping it they do add a pub it has some even minor effect on gameplay ( I had the idea of selling rations for minor boosts DRG style, Chem dealer, and custom mesozi missions). The big problem with the Morning Star at the moment is that it does feel like it has no connection beyond the barest or bare bones functionality (using a non DRG example a lot of the open / hub areas in warframe despite mostly being shops have a ton of personality to them.)
Even a basic 5 finger fillet mini game using the dodge buttons would be something.
Love all those ideas but that billboard thing is a must have even if fatshark trashes the whole tavern idea.
Pretty much most co-op games have a more advanced list of looking for a party. In darktide all we can do is pray to the emperor we dont get grouped up with 3 other melee only zealots or whatever.
Being able to select a strike team by first seeing their equipped weapons and key talents would be glorious.
In general the main problem at the moment is the morning star is entirely disconnected from the main game as far as gameplay and world goes. I think having the morning star have some kind of tangible effect on gameplay beyond “This is a shop, this is an upgrade station” would be a nice idea.
Tell the truth whenever a team is about to go out or comes back in and they got downtime they should be celebrating since realistically any mission can be their last.
One of the things I hated the most in Monster Hunter was having to eat before going hunting.
It might have been fun the first couple of times, then it became a chore.
I am thinking of it as the DRG system where it’s not a set bonus all the time and something you mostly pop in, check, do a fast 2 second animation and off you go or you just hit buy if it’s a boost you are interested in.
In addition the bonus might be more mission dependant (IE: slightly faster speed to carrying objects, make the hacking module have an extra blip of space, etc)
I agree that having to watch a full cutscene every single time will get KARKING ANNOYING.
Bonus edit: hell it doesn’t even need to be a morning star animation, your character could literally be eating their ration on the drop ship.
Which makes:
1- the tavern completely useless
2- the bonus mandatory and cause for your team to be pissed at you for not taking or taking the incorrect bonus
All I see in this proposal is another Mourningstar: a huge useless space that pretty much nobody is interested in but that will force us to queue for entry and take time to load.
I mean, it works in DRG and it would really just be a per baby mindset to throw a tantrum for not picking an option bonus that may or may not help on a mission. I think in general what most people can agree with is the morning stat being far too big and far too empty.
I don’t think so. The problem of the Mourningstar is that it’s useless because what we need is a quick interface to manage our characters and start a game.
We don’t need a 3D place to do that, we need something quick to load and easy to use. We don’t need to walk 50 meter to start a mission.
Or walk back and forth to buy a weapon and modify it.
That’s what’s wrong with the Mourningstar.
If a small bonus to pick before the mission was added, I would like for it to be a checkbox on the mission window. I don’t want to have to walk to another part of the base to do something so menial.
Not a good idea in my opinion… Having to go buy some food before each mission would be boring as hell ! All i want is a social hub, with no effect on mission gameplay ! Just a place to socialise with other player, giving to the morgningstar more life !