More weapon skins in the freemium store

FS oughts to make all base weapon skins available on the freemium store. I can’t find a reason not to. Not that they have added a tone of weapon skins or any quality of such. For example, i would like to wield an Antax V axe with the Rashad skin; not just a generic lazy camo Achlys one from the freemium shop…



Please give us a matte black tactical skin for each and every weapon!


Even this. How difficult can it be?


That would be great

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I would love a skin for the mark 1 bully club that doesn’t make it look like a stick with trash on it.


It’s actually my favorite looking , I dislike the barbed wire one.

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they certainly should have added in more its a very small selection


While I like the Mark 1 look, it doesn’t fit every type of Ogryn especially the more “”“tactical”“” Ogryns, for lack of a better word.

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It was kinda underwhelming when I discovered that the only weapon cosmetics in the free shop, are either blue or red. That’s lazy.


Immeasurably complex.


What’s even more lazy and stupid is that purchasing the emperor edition only awards black skins for only specific weapons and not all of the available weapons. For f*k sake how difficult can it be just to add a black skin for all available weapons in the game? We pay for this. It’s not even free…


comically easy actually! Even for more complex reskins, so long as the models are already UVed it shouldnt be very difficult, although I dont know what FS uses to texture, so… swaps could range from a 20 min endevor to multiple hours.


The really funny part is that if I recall correctly those skins don’t really alter the underlying weapon model. they act as camo patterns, which says to me that originally patterns and paints were separate from the models. Instead the game launches with model and camo being tied together, meaning that you can’t have a different model with the same pattern…unless it’s purchasable with the model you want from the cash shop.

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Why add free (and good) cosmetics when it could possibly keep people from spending real money at the MTX store?


This may be definitely the case. I just checked the store page and the mortis weapon skin for the chainsword let’s say has nothing to do with the actual skin that you have ingame which is a f*ng black camo. What an awkward design…

Ps. Why the camo obsession???

Yes but true weapons skins and not models…

I really want to see true skins done like the one of the imperial edition (about this). They could add also models for special weapon cosmetics (several axes etc.) but there should be weapons skins that just recolor the original model without modifying it.
And they should add all basic colors as free weapon cosmetics. Something really basic, but that would allow to decide the color of our weapon.
Paid cosmetics would be reserved to skins with several colors and also models.

That will be 900 Aquillas, but you can have a pink one for free.


Still waiting for my hazard stripes eviscerator.

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So easy in fact, that it’s already in the game but not made available to players (or at least it’s partially finished). Luckily DT modders have made it available. The weapon mod mod allows you switch out several parts of a weapon with another.

And yes, FS has said they’re okay with it (for now anyways) as long as other players don’t see your changes.

Seriously, no…

It is time to have a tool that permits you to apply textures that you could buy.
Basic would be bought with ordos, and others with aquila.

Neocron (2002) had such system that would permit to recolor your clothes.
You want to tell me, Fatshark, that 21 years later you cannot implement such similar feature?
Sure, I understand, as we needed to launch again a moon landing project, 21 years later, you need to research again the wheel.

(yes, a story of 14k something has made me upset… can’t figure what was these 14k things)