Can we please get some combat axe skins jeez

Combat axe is pretty much the only weapon i use on zealot and all i have is blue and red from commissary (boring) ive been waiting to even pay for a cool one from the $$$ shop but just nothing. Has there been any in the past i missed out on? Or do they just not care about some weapons types coz im sure theres other wepons without cool skins i just havent noticed. (This new update i was hoping for atleast GREEN combat axe lmao)

there was (at least) one combat axe skin available in the past


Damn ive only played on xbox and havent had that in rotation yet. Thanks for showing it.

Imagine if the cosmetic shop actually allowed you to buy cosmetics.


Waaaay back there was a white Antax V with a big red line/slash-mark across it. Cannot remember the name

(sorry at work :stuck_out_tongue: and this is the best pic I could find without logging in)

It was the best 500 Aquilla I’ve spent so far… yes it was so long ago that unique weapon skins or full camo skin packs went for 500, and a “set” was a 3-part armor + 1 unique weapon skin + a weapon trinket for 2100 :expressionless:

ppl. have been saying that this FOMO shop is … not good, since the PC release. Ok, we have 3 pages now instead of 1 but repeats are very rare anyway … so yeah.

Edit: oh and the camo skin packs had camo for most weapons, so plenty of axes there, for uniques some here have pics

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Considering they’re never doing weapon skin + operative cosmetic bundles ever again, they should make a page of weapon skins on the store. There’s so many and none to actually earn, so let people snipe favorites. Like my bully club.


sorry hadn’t have the opportunity before to add this

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I would like that one. It would be a nice change to have that axe style on the Rashad axe

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