Missing books

So far in Torrent Silo Cluster, Chasm Logistratum and Hourglass maps, we’ve been unable to find some of the grims and scripts. Knowing all possible locations, we’re even scouring on malice and uprising just to get a good look around and some are definitely missing!


Happening frequently since last 2 hotfixes.

There’s a mod “book finder” that helps.

But IMO they ain’t worth it. Just re-roll those contracts and pretend they don’t exist.

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Never had any problems finding them on those maps but I do think one of the grimoire spawns might have become blocked off by the changes to the final section of Dreyko.

Normally I wouldn’t care. I never accept the book contracts. Had to grind the penance though.

I reran the maps on uprising and scoured with 3 other auric class players scouring the whole place, every corner. Nope. Some books aren’t spawning sometimes. Logistratum our 2nd run found all 3 scripts. First run only one was in map. Hourglass run 2 found 1. I collect the books (a vermintide impulse) so we’re used to grabbing. Just letting FS know to keep an eye, sometimes they’re not spawning. This has only been happening recently.

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