Can we get an audio clue when we are near Grims or Scriptures?

Don’t want to check every nook and cranny for 2-3 books on games, even just a faint white noise that appears near them would be very useful.


Actually scripts do have audio cues but it’s such a faint thing you can only hear it when you are already on top of it and looking for it. At least grims glow green and can be spotted from further away


Ah that’s interesting, I’ll have to see what the range and sound intensity is next time I’ve got a mission with scripts

Hopefully them being properly collectible is on the docket. Some book spawns can’t be interacted with and there are spots where if you swap scriptures for an ammo crate/med box it can’t be interacted with again.


I would get your hearing checked. I’m serious, this is not a malicious comment.

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Hearing’s fine, might have never noticed it due to the sound radius being too small

I didn’t know this for the longest time, having played Psyker so much and constantly hearing warp whispers :smiley:


I never noticed it until it was pointed out to me. It’s just that it’s a very faint background whisper kind of thing and barely noticeable even when looking for it


Let us use the Auspex to find them

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Grims and scriptures have a whisper like sound when you are close. And their locations are not random so memorizing spawn points helps. They probably have 10 possible spawn points on each level or something like that.

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The scriptures sound like a gas leak for some reason.

It’s all the knowledge leaking out of them.


I think they should really turn up the sound /visual cue several times over.
Find books mod is a good alternative for now but imho it’s really close to unfair advantage.