Melee weapons overhaul

Anyone able to explain please, why in this game a regular KNIFE is way more dangerous than two-handed chainsaw sword?

Don’t you think this should be redone? Somehow?


While the Evi and most chain weapon need a buff, the weapon shouldn’t have a balance made to have special weapon forced to be better than the rest.

And rather aim to have all weapon usable

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Going by realism or immersiveness solely for game balance is usually not a great choice, especially when treating roleplaying and tabletop content.

For instance, we know that in our real world the strongest weapon type among projectile-like weapons would be a high-powered laser gun. We know this from military testing and advanced military projects, for instance the United States and it’s contractors working on a missle defense system that tags rockets with a high-precision laser. It immediately triggers the missle and it can cut through any material, can be also used to shoot down planes and such. It’s only downside is the energy you need to power such a canon.

That would mean for our game that Lasguns beat everything else, all the time. But that would be hardly accurate to the Warhammer Tabletop game and it’s ruleset. Instead, the devs tried to adapt those Tabletop rules loosely, but as faithfully as possible in the Tide combat system. So Autoguns and Lasguns in this game have their own niche, even though realistically speaking the bullet firing gun should be much inferior to the Lasgun.

I disagree. The special weapons, and the two handed weapons for that matter, should be better weapons than mundane or one handed weapons. The trade off is already mobility in most cases so why are they also worse?

It doesn’t need to be an enormous and totally absurd gap for it to feel appropriate.


As I said the Chain weapon need a buff, but as you even said yourself they need to be better due to having a drawback with the mobility limiter.

So the weaker weapon, be it special weapon, 2h or 1h, need to be buffed to be useable, but not because of their inherent form

There are no serial samples, there are no mass defense systems with this type of weapon.
There are only incomprehensible tests conducted by commercial companies under unknown conditions against unknown targets.
With installations of huge sizes. I don’t want to discuss this fiction anymore.

And if come back to REAL world, then 2h axe will do WAY more damage than your typical kitchen knife. And chainsaw will obliterate even 2h axe.

But if you wanna talk about ingame range weapons, than strange stuff happening here too: a tiny autopistol doing TONS more damage than heaviest and slowest lasers or guns.


The amount of damage a knife does compared to a giant sword personally isn’t a beef of mine. IMO, the overhaul needed would be to fundamentally make less desirable attack patterns inherently more valuable in some way. Not a nerf to sweeps/+power, just some better reasons to take something else.

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Fatshark tried to get away from the pariah that is Swift Slaying, however, it is EXACLY what would help out these terribly slow chain and power weapons.

It’s why things like the tactical axe, Antax Mk, V, Rashad Mk. II, Mk, IX Heavy Sword are so good, they actually have enough attack speed to not need Swift Slaying, everything else needs it badly!

I never got into VT 2 enough to know the meta, but for certain weapons I disagree that this is the solution. When I swing my chainsaw greatsword, I want there to br an explosion of blood and death, enemies split in half flying away etc. That’s the 40k Eviscerator fantasy, which makes it fun. It can be slow while doing it, hard to learn weapon, and still be strong. An example of what it should feel like is the power sword (obviously tuned down if not activation reliant).

The T Hammer swings slow and is still viable. Chain Axe has slow heavies and is still decent. I don’t think attack speed should be the the solution to fix under powered weapons.

Also. Can I dual wield knives please?
Gotta be handy with the steel, if you know what I mean, to earn your keep.

WIth the current balance, this would be a non-alternative one-stop weapon of destruction.

I wasn’t really being serious :sweat_smile:
Can’t click fast enough as it is with one knife!

Seeing how in VT2 Double Axe or Double Hammer aren’t meta over 1h Axe or 1h Hammer I don’t think it matter as much

Anyone able to explain please, why in this game a regular KNIFE is way more dangerous than two-handed chainsaw sword?

Don’t you think this should be redone? Somehow?

Simple - chainsaws are cool…if you’re a lumberjack. We’re paroled ex-cons, we know all about shankin’. Stab, stab stabby!

Although for the longest time, I ran around with heavy eviscerator, and proclaiming to everyone I met that it was in-fact the fabled “BONE SAW” and that I was the “Peanut Head”.

Then I’d yell, “BZzzzz! THREW THE BoooOoooONE!!” every time I sawed a heretic in half…

…You know, I’m not so sure the knife is better than the heavy eviscerator after all…

Because the 3 damage cleave cap present on two handed weapons, on top of the serious lack of damage kneecaps em hard. Too much of the power budget is tied to activations, making their base form feeling like swinging a wet noodle around.

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Its absolutely disgusting to me that 2h weapons arent the obvious “primary” choice with 1h being more mobility focused “secondary” choices to support a user’s ranged weapon.

And that the normal axe has the highest base damage.

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