Mauler/Crusher hitbox + movement bug

Issue Type (Required):

Enemy Mechanics

Issue Description (Required):

Both the Mauler and the Crusher can land their overhead charged heavy while a player is not close enough to be hit, ie literally 3 rooms away. they both additionally (for some reason) have the ability to just teleport forward several feet to unfairly land a direct hit also in the middle of their charged heavy

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. launch any mission on Malice or higher (i was using Zealot, shroud field backstab build)
  2. wait for a Mauler or Crusher to spawn
  3. wait for either to launch an overhead heavy
  4. attempt to run away, dodge or otherwise escape being hit by the attack
  5. get hit anyway regardless of distance from the enemy

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, and I’ve tried disabling them

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Often (<75%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam


A crusher killed me with an overhead after I dodged off of a ledge and was a whole level below him.


yeah, this is the literal only thing preventing me from being able to finish flawless execution. i was on LAST MISSION and got my skull caved in from through a wall

Crushers and maulers are spawning without their audio in masses, it’s a big problem. Many of them are just THERE behind you with no footstep and if you dodge or as you say, are out of the room and away, they get some ultra speed rubber banding which makes them ice skate to you for hit no matter. The Maulers aren’t revving their chain axes either and spawning as 4 in 1’s, sliding out of each other. This was a problem with maulers in V2 for a while… ass spawning and ice skating.

This issue has dragged on from VT2. It was the same with Maulers and Chaos Warriors. But only that it’s not exactly a bug and also other enemies do this to a lesser extent. My guess is that if they didn’t have this behavior it would be too easy for them to be kited around. Thus you see them sliding forward to hit you and the likes.

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they shouldn’t be able to unfairly land a direct hit on someone who isn’t even in the same ROOM though regardless

I confirm… I use to put myself at 5 meters when they land their weapon… or I die

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I agree with you but it’s a necessary evil. If you were to remove this you’d have to rebalance a lot of things. Maybe try adopting the philosophy I do. Treat melee elites as if they had 3x range and never trust the visual range unless you are absolutely sure that hit won’t land without you dodging. Unfortunately that’s something you need to get used to and can’t be thought with words. A good rule of thumb is, unless you dodge, it’s pretty hard to get out of range of certain attacks just with movement. Some animations are stationary and the enemy will stand there and aoe a certain spot without moving. The more problematic ones are the moving attacks which do follow you and as I said are very hard to get out of range of without a dodge.

This is true… and annoying to die while you HAD dodged…

We have a lot of issues with servers which doesn’t help.

This problem has existed in the game since launch. Basically Enemies have the “favor the shooter” mechanic built into them like Overwatch does. If an enemy starts an attack while in range of you, and all you did was sprint away from them, you will be hit, regardless of range. You must block, dodge, etc. during the attack landing window to avoid damage.

This problem gets much worse if you’re in a high movement speed state, currently dodging, then a Crusher/Mauler begins an overhead. This is how you get infinite gap closing, 180 degree behind the enemy overheads landing on players. It’s all very cheap and poorly coded.

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I think this is the case with several enemy types, including basic pox walkers.

Once the engine has decided it has launched an attack, then it doesn’t actually matter how far you are away unless you are in “dodge” state. You can’t outrun the attack, you can’t slide away from the attack, you can’t hop off a ledge: you have to have dodged.

It’s really noticeable on pox walkers and snipers I think. The former because they must have 8ft arms sometimes, and the latter because you can see where the red target line is and it often isn’t on you when you take the hit. The crusher hitting the floor in front of you is another classic; dodge backwards does not work when it feels as though it likely should.

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