You know how classes get pretty vital boosts from just picking perks in their tree? What if vet had a number of key perks in each direction that provide a different way of boosting ammo gain. Like.
Grant a chance for a shot to not consume ammo. (General focus)
Boosts the amount of ammo gained from pickups. (General focus)
Killing an enemy with a headshot refunds a bullet to the ammo pool (on a short cooldown) (Sniper weapon focus)
Contributing in the death of a boss enemy will cause it to drop a deployed ammo pack with each helping proportionate to the amount of ammo spent on the boss. (recon lasgun focus, support focus as everyone can contribute to the ammo pack)
Any of these effects can also apply to allies in coherency. We’ve got coherency related buffs that aren’t “auras” anyways. This also opens up scavenger’s now mediocre effect to become either a small perk, and add a new, non ammo-related aura. Or for scavenger to exist in its current state alongside the other auras.
ammo is all but trivial , scav is still a top tier aura, does it need to be at the point where a vet can walk from start to finish just slamming full auto every step of the way and not ever look for ammo?
because playing vet the last few days they are off the chain lethal with almost no ammo concerns as is.
they feel like one of the stronger class’s as is
Except it’s made it significantly harder to use the weaker guns and full auto guns. Yes, you’re not going to have ammo concerns if you bring some of the strongest options like the best lasgun, plasma gun, etc. But it makes fun options like the recon guns, revolver, bolter… significantly harder to use. It’s not like being able to shoot your gun is OP, it just means you can play the gun class as a gun class.
If you’re playing auric maelstorm missions with certain guns, you’ll feel the burn. Let alone if the ogryn brings and ammo hungry gun, or there’s a second vetaran, or even a third!
Given Zealot is my main class, I’ve no qualms with, and enjoy melee. But that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy and wish for the gunplay to remain a good option. Not to mention, just nerfing scavenger isn’t going to take away from the fact it’s currently the best aura. If they don’t want to buff the other vet auras, striking it out or offering alternatives seems like the best option.
Then just buff ammo pool of those gun, much easier to balance.
Also I don’t think Revolver have ammo problem, and I use agripp variant. Recon Las could use some but shocktrooper already help it tremendously, after they fixed the crit string problem anyway(other variant except mk VId is ass though).
Ammo economy can’t be fixed until Scavenger is gone - it skews the numbers so we don’t know what an actual ammo economy should look like. I suspect even for the devs.