Make Every Shot Count.... Information on how I got it

Hello All,

Everyone hates this one, and for good reason. I will link to a thread on that at the bottom, and not discuss it here. I want to tell what I learned doing it.

I did this in a pug, so some of my recommendations are centered around that, such as keeping distance.

First, the options are revolver, shotgun, and plasma gun. Of these, I ended up getting it with the plasma gun. I used a ‘low hordes’ assassination mission.

My calculation is that plasma comes out to about 35 shots to the revolvers 70-ish, not counting vet ammo generation.

It’s best to keep your distance from your team as much as possible, as being out of coherence will prevent more ammo generation from other vets on the team.

Additionally If you hit a player and penetrate and still hit an enemy, I believe this counts as FAIL shot. It might hit an enemy, it might hit ten enemies, but if it hits a player first, I think it counts as a miss. So be distant from other players when firing.

For feats I suggest running camo, a full grenade build to give you ranged options when you can’t be sure of a hit, and also “sustained fire” for your last feat. Sustained fire gives you less highlights but reloads the weapon and boosts your toughness, which is very important both because of how badly handicapped you are with a limited ranged weapon but also because you can vent the weapon by removing the magazine, hit ult and skip the rest of the reload.

I fired mostly fully charged shots at non-moving targets that were isolated from the rest of my team, and some into hordes. Limit how many shots you put into hordes because it’s easy for another player to blow a gap in the middle. The plasma gun is very accurate and can be used to snipe single targets your team is ignoring and which have not aggroed. When the team is fighting and you see someone in the other direction, take the opportunity to shoot them.

Be careful not to explode because you got a change to dump more ammo. Don’t get excited, slow and steady wins this.

Many failures finally ended when I stopped attempting to take shots on bulwarks, or when allies were close to me at all. See a above on ally hits not counting …even if you still hit an enemy. A bulwark hit from the front with a charged plasma shot opens up his shield for a body shot, and it might seem that these are good targets to dump shots on. They are not. The shield counts outside itself and you cannot be sure where it ends by looking so as to shoot around it. This might be worth risking in normal play but not for this penance. Avoid bulwarks completely unless dead behind them, and even then look for other targets if you can.

However, not all blue hit markers are bad. Boss force(void?) shields are valid targets.

Crushers and reapers are good targets. Hordes are good targets. Any enemy standing still not yet aggroed is a good target if the team is not nearby to killsteal. Charged shots help a great deal as many misses will still splash something else. The best targets have more targets behind them. (Though again, watch out for hitting players, even with penetration.)

Lastly, when you hit empty, 00/000 switch to your sword and stay there. Do not switch to anything else under any circumstances. Not grenades, not a med kit, and extra double not your gun. Even if you hit something with shots generated after the 00/000 it seems to fail.

This was a misreble ordeal, but I finished it, and you can too.

I now have everything except the last helmet, and that will come in time, I only need to complete missions.

Though I hope Fat Shark will just dump it for all the reasons listed in this thread and many others like it.


try to find a group to cheese this through disconnect before the boss with 3 other people willing to elp you.
Otherwise this is not a pennance nor a challenge, its a gimmick

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Agreed, this is just a horrid achievement- the whole “it’s best if you stay away from your team the entire game and don’t work with them” mustve been the brain baby right after the biggest bong hit ever made.

Man upon reading all the work you had to go through I rather just wait for them to redesign or remove this penance entirely, it’s just not worth it right now.

Hey, didn’t say it was nice. Said it got it done. They gave me a challenge, and I pulled it off.

Sheesh. Username checks out though.

gz. I gave it up for the moment waiting for single player with bots to do it.

Im hoping that will make it less of a pita

The hell did this animosity come from? I hope you enjoy the irony of behaving like tom cruise’s character.

I am so happy not to care about those penances.
I’m ok with people who want to do them, puzzled by people who think they very much need to do them, but I am just really happy not caring one bit about them.

Good job doing it for you !


Does anyone know if dying and losing half of your ammo has a negative effect on this penance?

They’re the only challenges in the game at the moment that have what feel to be a unique, relatively worthwhile reward (imo) that’s actually earned through game play. Due to that, I’ve got a compulsion to knock them out asap, which honestly hasn’t been super fun. Mostly due to bugs, I killed 7 mutants while dashing before abhor the mutant would trigger for my zealot.

One bit of good news is after you hit 0/0, it doesn’t matter if you regain ammo via passives so long as you don’t reload your weapon. So I recommend expending all your ammo pretty much right away as the match starts, that way you’ll know you aren’t about to waste 20-30 minutes after potentially missing one shot at the end.


Hey, I had a task, I worked out a way to accomplish it, and you came in with “Guy made a hard thing work, must be on drugs.”

I read it more as a critique on the penance design forcing you to do what you did rather than an attack on you personally.

Eh, was my idea to remain at distance…And it definitely helped.

Yes, it would definitely help, but that’s in spite of the combination of class and penance design. It was pointed out almost immediately after the penances dropped that sharpshooter’s coherency bonus conflicted really hard with the penance.

It’s a terrible designed penance, I just don’t like my SUCCESSFUL idea to compensate for difficult problem which is part of an even bigger difficult challenge… the challenge not of my design… described as “mustve been the brain baby right after the biggest bong hit ever made.”

I finished the challenge, and I know a lot of other players are going to feel the need to pull it off as well, so I put in some things I thought were useful, and I even put in a link to a complaint thread.

What’s the phrase “Don’t hate the player, hate the game.” ? And make an effort to be clear on whatever you’re saying.

Where the hell did I say that? I said I agreed with you, in literally the first word. I commented on the design of the achievement, that it forces people to work against their core gameplay mechanics, of which you said yourself. You just took it personally for some reason.

How you said it. If you didn’t mean that, okay, but be clearer. It is the internet after all.

I really don’t know how I can be any clearer than saying “I agree” right off the bat.

I think staying away from teammates is a bit much imo. I can’t see it being worth it, especially on a assassination mission where you can get elites at the end and hard to break coherency there.

Personally I did it on The Smelter Strike mission because it has an endless horde at the end and a straight hallway so very hard to miss even if enemies get killed. You don’t get any elites or specials

Plasma gun, empty it on standing targets or hordes. Best choice is of course a boss. Empty all ammo you can safely. At the end after the ragers has been killed you can empty any little ammo you have left and it’s very difficult to miss here imo. Which is why I preferred this map. If you still have some ammo, you have a long hallway to empty it.

Gz though.