Lucius pattern lasgun doesn't want to fire on controller (xbox)

I have been playing using my xbox controller, and I finally got the Lucius pattern lasgun!

However there is a major problem. For me, when I go to fire, the game doesn’t know if im wanting to shoot regularly or if im trying to shoot the charged up shot (because both firing modes are tied to the right trigger). This results in the gun just not firing. The only way i can get it to fire is by spamming the trigger, but even then, there are times where 3-5 trigger pulls don’t do anything.

I suspect this is because both firing modes are on the same button, and the game gets confused on which the user wants to use, resulting in nothing happening. In other words, the regular fire and alternate fire buttons are fighting for priority.

I suggest allowing controller players to manually configure button layout to fix this, or if there is a way to give priority to one or the other, that would work to.

I’ve been having the same issue