First I would like to say how much I am enjoying Darktide.
I was in the beta and played on both Xbox Game Pass and on Steam.
I was running solo for a while, but over time convinced to get my friends to play as well.
But instead of complaining, I would like to offer some recommendations that I feel would compliment the game at this point.
After completing a mission and are given a weapon, it would be nice to be offered 1 out of 3 items instead of just the one item. The reason being that most of the time I am given a weapon that I cannot use for my build, nor does it have a blessing that I can use either. So I just either hold on to it or end up just selling it but it’s a bit of a letdown after a 20-30 minute mission.
Finding blessings is quite a chore as well. I check Sire Melk to see if there are any new weapons or I just end up purchasing an item from Brunt’s Armoury and upgrading it from there, hoping to land the blessing I’m looking for to extract it at the Shrine of the Omnissiah. Is there an easier way?
There is still a lot of terminology in the game that I don’t know and what exactly it does. I often have to look it up outside of the game. My new friends get confused as well. May I suggest having a “shoutout” or link of some kind that can briefly describe it? For example, like “Rending” or “Power”, maybe having a little shoutout that sums it up quickly or maybe having something in the Psykhanium that goes into that more detail so you can then test it out in the Meat Grinder?
Lastly, I have to say what an amazing achievement this game is. When I go into this game, I am always in awe of how excellent it looks, feels and sounds. I explore every nook and cranny just to see all the detail and dammit I WANT my own Data Interrogator and that radio with the skull on it. Yes, make them and sell them Fatshark The soundtrack in this game is legendary. I listen to at work on Utube and have it on my phone. It just all comes together so well and I look forward to jump in and fight for the Emperor every night after work.
Thank you!
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