Level 30 Psyker feels aweful above Malice threat level

Of course not… and i don´t wanna change your opinion by any means, but i can tell you we went through this multiple times in Vermintide.
It has always been a forth and back, because one or another player wasn´t happy with a class and for the case of balancing the first and third 3 perks have become the same on ANY class. (Which is sad tbh.) On the other hand there are only a handful of 3 perks even to each other, the rest are obvious choices if you want to chill your life even on cataclysm difficulty cause they´re highly broken.
Also while some classes are related to weapons, others buff their ultimates or have some supportive abilities. It´s nothing else here and Psyker is pretty much the same.
There will always be a meta… or better said… “safe way to play a character”. While the other feasts will be mostly related to a build, a weapon choice, situational but impactful or again, be from a supportive nature.

Poeple tend to forget, that everything that is not “meta” still has its purpose and just because it´s not the easiest or safest way to play a career, doesn´t mean it´s not effective or overall useless. Especially in the tide-series a lot of effectiveness of different classes comes from the spawns.
A perfect example on Psyker would be the 15% damage from all income but warpstuff after using BB on the target. Of course you might never skill it for pugs, but with premades on a bossmap? Or the extra 15% cdr for your mates in coherence…

There is use for anything and its just not obvious for a lot of poeple in my eyes, because a lot don´t use the trial and error principle, but rely on other players builds / seek for the obvious broken stuff anyway.

I agree that it´s curious to have such a passive BB related, but even here ppl look at it way too much like “I´ve to maintain it at all cost!”. No, you don´t have too. There are also 2 ultimate-feasts want you to get ride of them! And that´s fine tbh…
One of it brings a lot of cc due to the huge cdr while using it with warpcharges. The other one hits even the breakpoints with 4 charges on a horde, so it´s easy waveclear and the range is insane. Not to mention that you get your stacks back pretty fast with the soulblaze one especially if you run weapons with the soulblaze on crit perk.

I´m fully convinced that a lot of players underestimate those 2 ultimate feasts compared to "maintaining warpcharges meanwhile using a staff to ulti+BB when needed.

EDIT: Also the 2 other soulblaze feasts i´ve mentioned that need tweaks aren´t that bad at all. The elite one with 4 stacks just doesn´t procc that well but hits hard especially on doubleproccs, while the other is even more situational and doesn´t scale well with higher difficulties due to the related BB kill on elites.

About your 2 points…

  1. I think it´s actually fine how we´re able to gain warpcharges, but as i´ve said, i wouldn´t mind them to last atleast 40s. Would help a lot with any build and do a lot to the actual more situational soulblaze perks.

  2. While i agree the change would be fine, it wouldn´t fit with the precharging BB. I would actually want to make more use of it like “You can save 1 BB precharge and unleash it whenever you want, but the peril will normally decrease.” or “Precharge onto a target casts 50% faster but generates 50% more peril”.
    So more a “bad situation” - button…

Yup, this is probably my biggest gripe with the Psyker. There is a blessing called Rending Detonation on the Trauma staff that can deal with armor, but for some dumb reason that one isn’t on the Void staff.

Anything that procs off soulblaze kills should be changed to “whenever anything affected by soulblaze dies” because soulblaze is not going to kill anything with that low DoT damage.

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I run almost the same build (soulblaze/auto stacks) but just with surge staff currently. i do play with my friends (1-2 of them) and usually a rando we get is dead weight, so i do agree, it’s harder with randoms.

in my case, the surge staff staggers everything, making it easier to for my zealot/vet to kill things and in case of a hoard, i just spam right click to stagger as much as possible, while also blasting out wrath and setting everything on fire. if the hoard gets too close i pull out my force sword and push everything back (along with wrath if it’s up) to give space for rest of team. 8 times out of 10 i can keep hoards away like that and we end up surviving. tho the specialists and elites dont get pushed back f up everything.

BB is just useless imo since my vet outsnipes everything i go for. only useful on dogs and bombers who run away every time

Yep, totally agree. The “I can do it just fine” comment sounds like those souls elitists going “I can beat X boss naked with just my punches”. I’ve seen people on Youtube playing with my kind of build and doing more than fine. They are not doing anything that different from me. They happen to have decently assorted teams and much better gear. Both of those I have barely any control over since gear is rng just as much as decent team members.

I understand how I have to postion my self with psyker but I’m also dependent on team members not letting me get totally swarmed from all sides.
If I get swarmed on all sides I can totally rely on my amazing surge staff to stagger and cc and… oh wait I don’t got an amazing staff.
Well I just go buy it right? Wrong. Cause I can’t buy what I want when I want.
Hope y’all get my gist.

I feel that this class is not well tuned yet cause it needs too many elements to sinergize perfectly for you to enjoy playing it. I don’t want it to be op, broken or anything of the sort. I want a kit and skill tree that allows it to perform decently at any difficulty without having to have just the right weapon and blessing and team mates.
Ogryn’s having problems with ranged enemies that much? Well let us fix him too. It doesn’t detract from my argument.

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How are you playing veteran to feel this while playing psyker?

Asking as a veteran myself.

Yeah Psyker was my first class and I do just fine with it on 4 & 5 with the surge staff. It’s not particularly exciting playstyle though, and I have to work pretty hard to stay alive. Not to mention I rely on the team a lot, because surge is pretty poor at actually killing things. Surge can also make certain situations easier, but so can a single mag from a bolter or autogun.

Playing my Zealot I feel a lot more impactful, and it’s a lot easier to survive all kinds of encounters, and I’d argue no less capable of ‘carrying’ or helping lesser teammates than a surge psyker. I’m also nearly immortal while doing so, unlike Psyker that falls over from a strong wind.

It looks like a troll comment, to be honest. Not that people can’t be different and find different playstyles easier/harder, I suppose.

I don’t know anymore, I’ve been matched with veterans using the most random combinations of weapons you can imagine on damnation.

I’m all for build diversity, but the way the game is right now, if you queue as a veteran sharpshooter with 3 randoms for damnation, and you bring a combo of laspistol and a grey knife, you are going to feel pretty damn weak.

Well… yeah :slight_smile: There’s also the case that with most good Sharpshooter weapons, it really helps being the kind of person that can click (moving, in the distance) heads really easily. It’s not something everyone is good at.

I learned that when I started playing CSGO years ago.

Just click heads, is that easy.

Oh mate that´s a hot take…

Imagine how many poeple will play and enjoy Ogryn, because it´s an Ogryn? Yes… atleast i meet them way less than Psykers on any difficulty.
Same counts for me in case of Veteran and Zealot. Veteran is just a standard soldier you meet in any game. He got a wallhack-ultimate with more damage and normal grenades… wow…
Zealot was my first choice, but it´s actually the same like Vermintide. Strong, but so easy to play, if not better said “braindead”, that it´s get stale and boring pretty fast.

Do i miss half the content now?

Also yes, Vermintide had 15 classes on release, but how much different are they from each other? Slayer was the only pure melee class and dashmaiden somewhat special… but the rest? Three of them has a knockback ultimate, 3 a charge (4 if we count slayer), 2 of them an aimbot for specials, only 2 had something no other had (shade and BH).
But then we had / have 6 of 15 traits (feasts) being pretty much the same on any class. (Temp HP and staggerdamage). Yes it was not a thing at beginning, but there have been really useless perks instead.
On top the ultimate perks (another 3) have been pretty much the same aswell like cdr, more damage, gain shield etc…

There was nothing real special about them overall but the difference that a handful had a more supportive character, another handful was pretty much unkillable and the last handful was made as glass-cannon with special / elitekiller abilites.
The most difference lied in the weapon choice.

In Darktide we might have only 4 classes, but they all feel different to play, offer different jobs to do and definately cater different players.

The feasts from Psyker aren´t a hot mess too. It´s just that you guys don´t see more than the obvious “i build for that staff” thing you probably saw at a streamer or so.
I already told you about my build and it works fine across the difficulties. There are other builds aswell. Just because you don´t see it or don´t get used to it, doesn´t mean it´s bad. It´s just not made for you obviously.

Also looking at the other classes we can also find flaws if we want. The most are just the typical X here, Y there points doing nothing else but grant more damage on weapons, give a bit of cdr or more self-sustain. And all you do for example is to pick a fast weapon for some extra-crits, wow…
Psyker has more options that actually mix up the gameplay even without changing weapons.

Srsly you do nothing else but hindering yourself with that “can be played only that way” option. It´s like other said about zealot, that only the crit.knife build is viable, like wtf? NO!

The soulblaze ultimate on 4 stacks melt down hordes and yes the breakpoint is there! The cdr on it helps a lot to get ride out of bad situations or to assist your frontline to push since the ultimates range is insane!
Then you´ve feasts that assists staff builds. Ofc good players will go for more damage etc… but other might pick more defensive choices.
And yes, after a bit of trying the soulblaze on warpcharges (elites focused) skill is pretty strong. It just proccs not that great and the range should be bigger. But the 4 stacks? Go for a double-procc and it ticks super hard. Might be even a good choice with the BB ultimate together while fighting a pack of elites.

Just test it out in the testcenter and you´ll see what i mean.

TLDR: There are possibilities. Just open your eyes, may get better at the game, and please for the love to sigmar (or the emperor), stop trying to change something you don´t enjoy, when others clearly do. Psyker is one of the least classes that offers something special and a bunch of combinations even compared to the first 15 classes in V2.

If you feel you are playing the same class playing footsoldier and playing slayer because both have “charges” I don’t know how to move the debate past that, they feel absolutely nothing alike.

The same way, shade doesn’t feel the same as slayer, or waystalker doesn’t feel the same as huntsman.

You are probably going to pick several strawmans to make them look similar on your post, but a simple session of VT2 clearly shows the differences for anyone interested on first-hand experience.

Also, I’ve seen you around on the forums several times, and almost every time I read you, you are baiting people or outright being passive-aggressive, not a particular mindset I enjoy debating with on a forum.


Honestly there are so many strawmen in your post, and you’re countering arguments and things I have never said, that I can’t take anything you say seriously at all. I’m super happy you have found the ‘secret super special soublaze build that no one else can see’ in the very small, very obvious talent tree, and I’m glad you’re having fun with that build.


Have i ever said Waystalker is like Slayer or other stuff? No!

I´ve said that 6 out of 15 traits are pretty much the same, that the ultimate traits are pretty much the same, so they clearly lack of uniqueness. .
Also i´ve only said that the ultimates mostly work the same on 2-4 classes. On gives shield, the other crit, both are knockbacks… wow…
What really made the classes unique are some weapons, the rest is spread like “tankier / specialkiller / elitekiller”.

And a lot came with the awesome feedback like “this is useless, that is useless etc…”. The 4 new DLC classes do a way better job in kind of unique gameplay-experience especially the engi.

But yes i´m tired of the same pointless discussion like back at V2 release. Obvious broken stuff “please don´t nerf”, meanwhile balanced stuff “please buff” and other dumb claims like “Only this one is viable!”, when the majority don´t even try stuff on their own and just copy&paste stuff from an internet guy.
On top mostly such killer-statements like “You´re wrong!”. Yes, that´s why me and others can clear heresy and damnation without meta-builds, because i´m wrong…
I gave enough examples in this and other threads and has someone tested it? I guess not. It´s easier to say each day the same stuff without any backing but “others here say the same”.
Yeah, others do even say Psyker is fine or just play it instead of wasting their time here or on reddit.

You better scroll up and read your own stuff i guess. Being like “1/4 of the games content not feeling it…” or “It´s a hot mess, only 1 staff build is viable…” etc…
It´s always a pov and more than often skill-depended. On top i only gave some examples from another pov about other classes or how good the talents in the Psyker tree can be.

Again, just test it maybe? But i guess it won´t happen anyway. Tell me how should i take you guys serious being like “It´s a hot mess, only that one thing is viable, the rest is bs, i can´t enjoy 25% of the games content, only my opinion counts, so please rework because i paid for that, and i don´t give af about others!”.

Seriously… not even any valid arguments or ideas but moaning how useless everything is and i´m so 100% sure you guys haven´t even tried much. Lack of creativity i guess, so it´s better to sit on +10% whatever feasts across the board to reach one or another breakpoint on the weapons. Class-diversity 0/10.

Being able to do all content doesn’t mean it’s good. Doesn’t mean it feels good. Doesn’t mean it compares to other classes.

And please, point me to where in the talent tree that you can build for a staff that isn’t purge. I’ll wait. You’ll note I didn’t say one staff build was viable. I said you could only build for one staff.

You are a troll and you do nothing but constantly strawman. You’re saying “you’re wrong, and your only argument is saying I’m wrong” and then you do the same yourself, except a hundred times worse by using false comparisons and strawmen all over the place. You’re not discussing in good faith.


I disagree, because it is either up to chance (Psychic Communion) or up to an ability that 50% of the time does not resolve. Sure Stacks atm aren’t particularly useful anway, but that’s a whole separate issue from feeling no agency over how you gain/keep them. Idk maybe they could last a bit longer as you said, but the way you gain them is fundumentally flawed an severely lacks player agency.

Honestly the precharging mechanic is kinda pointless anyway. You either a) end up precharging the ability for someone else to kill the minion or waste way more peril then effectively needed. I like your idea with saving up a charge sort of like the Tome for Warrior Priest, but your second suggestion still leaves the above mentioned issues left to be dealt with.

I disagree with pretty much everything you said here. Sure some of the ultimates had overlap, but one that is also the case in Darktide and two they still had different flavors to it. As for the talents point - Stagger and THP were fundumental mechanics of the game. Having universal choices here serves to solidify core mechanics, so that there is something connecting the gameplay among the classes and create universal skills to me mastered. Ironically Darktide offers the least difference, when it comes to weapons, as three classes share an entire arsenal of the same weapons.
The only point I’ll grant you here is that - yes indeed - talent choices inreasing raw percentages are boring (Darktide does that as well), but doing percentages and combining that with chance to boot is worse aka Psychic Communion and Ascending Blaze.

That is great and nobody truly cares about killing trash with soulblaze, because trash is not gonna kill you.

Is that wrong though? I mean weapon selection defines they way you have to play lightyears more than your talent selection.

Debatable, but fine.

Well I happen to fall among the category of players, that enjoy two things in these types of games mobility and mechanical requirements. Psyker is the only class here that offers that and aesthetically the most interesting - like who wants to be a cod soldier or be as immobile as an Ogryn? - but I do not enjoy the playstyle/s the class currently offers, perceive flaws in its design and am not alone in feeling that way to boot. Just as you have the right to defend the class for liking it the way it is, others have the right to voice their suggestions pertaining to changes that nudge the class into a different directions. Nobody here has a monopoly on speaking their mind.


Being able to do all content means it´s atleast viable and will definately scale with skill and decision-making.

“Feeling good” is something completely depended on the player itself.

Also the comparison to other classes lacks hard aswell, because you gonna compare apple to bananas. Classes work different and attract different players, which is fine. Again i can only say that i for example won´t play Vet much, because it´s way too standard and the whole tree is like “X perecentage here and there”. Nothing special and all related to your rangeweapon.

Yes my bad at reading, but there have been also other players being like “Only this or that is viable.” on different classes and i´m truly tired of it.
On one way they want instareds to test around, on the other hand they obviously don´t want to try much around but sitting on the most safest way to win a run.

No i´m not and i don´t use such phrases like “You´re wrong.”
I mostly try to stay objective to show another pov on different topics, of course i´ll also say something subjective of my own experience.
That the feeling for balancing or what one or another player wants are mostly different things is pretty normal. But using some arguments like “It´s not possible”, “Only this is viable”, “It´s a hot mess” without any details or when other players make it possible is nothing but dumb sry.

And i already said that i also see the need of some tweaks, but some want to force a new rework. Then i asked “How about a new subclass instead?”, so actualy Psyker mains could enjoy what it is and other might get used to the subclass… but no. It always hits deaf-mutes and ignorance. Why should we need variety, when we can change what others enjoy.
If you can´t understand it, then idk…

The only reason this is ever brought up, is because in 90% of cases suggestions about how to make a class feel better get labled as a skill issue, which only serves to single the individual out and not engage with the argument being made. Of course there are people that can make any class work - noone’s gonna deny that. There is a difference though between saying the class is just bad and the class feels bad to play. Still both get put on the same pedestal for no reason.
Btw if you feel like spending time on these forums is a waste of time, then I am seriously questioning your motivations for posting anything you did. It couldn’t possibly be that you want to preserve your preferred version of the game just as others want to realise their’s now could it? So stop spouting such nonsense, we are all here for more or less the same reason, whether you wana admit or not, no matter you like it or not.

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Reworking some base mechanics of Psyker surrounding BB or its passive is way easier and much more likely in the cards compared to some new subclass for the foresable future. That’s why.

Well I happen to be a Psyker main and I do not enjoy the class I simply find the rest incredibly basic and boring, so where do I fall in your little scenario huh? Everybody is gonna champion their vision for something they want to enjoy with complete utter disregard what other’s might enjoy. It is okay if you enjoy the class as it is now. I cannot comprehend how you are so unwilling to deal with some flaws that even you yourself seem to see, but maybe that’s just a protective reflex idk and idc. Point and case - nobody is gonna stop parading their vision for the class, because obviously they want to like it and you stating that you like it as it is, is not gonna change that. I accept that we seem to enjoy different things and except that FS might adapt the class to be more in line with what I like or they won’t and you should do the same. Of course I am not gonna stop campaigning for such change, because I believe being heard increases my odds.