Of course not… and i don´t wanna change your opinion by any means, but i can tell you we went through this multiple times in Vermintide.
It has always been a forth and back, because one or another player wasn´t happy with a class and for the case of balancing the first and third 3 perks have become the same on ANY class. (Which is sad tbh.) On the other hand there are only a handful of 3 perks even to each other, the rest are obvious choices if you want to chill your life even on cataclysm difficulty cause they´re highly broken.
Also while some classes are related to weapons, others buff their ultimates or have some supportive abilities. It´s nothing else here and Psyker is pretty much the same.
There will always be a meta… or better said… “safe way to play a character”. While the other feasts will be mostly related to a build, a weapon choice, situational but impactful or again, be from a supportive nature.
Poeple tend to forget, that everything that is not “meta” still has its purpose and just because it´s not the easiest or safest way to play a career, doesn´t mean it´s not effective or overall useless. Especially in the tide-series a lot of effectiveness of different classes comes from the spawns.
A perfect example on Psyker would be the 15% damage from all income but warpstuff after using BB on the target. Of course you might never skill it for pugs, but with premades on a bossmap? Or the extra 15% cdr for your mates in coherence…
There is use for anything and its just not obvious for a lot of poeple in my eyes, because a lot don´t use the trial and error principle, but rely on other players builds / seek for the obvious broken stuff anyway.
I agree that it´s curious to have such a passive BB related, but even here ppl look at it way too much like “I´ve to maintain it at all cost!”. No, you don´t have too. There are also 2 ultimate-feasts want you to get ride of them! And that´s fine tbh…
One of it brings a lot of cc due to the huge cdr while using it with warpcharges. The other one hits even the breakpoints with 4 charges on a horde, so it´s easy waveclear and the range is insane. Not to mention that you get your stacks back pretty fast with the soulblaze one especially if you run weapons with the soulblaze on crit perk.
I´m fully convinced that a lot of players underestimate those 2 ultimate feasts compared to "maintaining warpcharges meanwhile using a staff to ulti+BB when needed.
EDIT: Also the 2 other soulblaze feasts i´ve mentioned that need tweaks aren´t that bad at all. The elite one with 4 stacks just doesn´t procc that well but hits hard especially on doubleproccs, while the other is even more situational and doesn´t scale well with higher difficulties due to the related BB kill on elites.
About your 2 points…
I think it´s actually fine how we´re able to gain warpcharges, but as i´ve said, i wouldn´t mind them to last atleast 40s. Would help a lot with any build and do a lot to the actual more situational soulblaze perks.
While i agree the change would be fine, it wouldn´t fit with the precharging BB. I would actually want to make more use of it like “You can save 1 BB precharge and unleash it whenever you want, but the peril will normally decrease.” or “Precharge onto a target casts 50% faster but generates 50% more peril”.
So more a “bad situation” - button…