I think everyone comes here and trashes the game. The developers see it and likely only think the game is bad, see only negative comments. All the bugs and issues they need to fix. While that is very important. And while they may likely never see this post. I think it is important to at least post some good things about the game!
Name some things you’ve enjoyed about the games below!
I think the AI is very VERY brilliantly made. If you know military tactics you can see clearly some very big features that make me wonder if they asked some subject matter experts or something. There are your basic horde mobs. No tactics, no training, charge and try to hit you, yell while doing so. Then there are your trained troops. These are soldiers, many are vets who’ve experienced battle, and were corrupted by chaos.
They move with purpose, they use cover, fire at you then take cover again. When they are in a group, they use brilliant tactics you don’t see in games much, they work together, coordinate, and cover each other. When they see the group approach, they don’t camp out and wait to enter the melee and die. They retreat back cover to cover, one is providing cover fire while the others fall back, then they provided cover fire for their buddy they left behind. The scab gunners provide excellent suppressing fire which is incredibly annoying but they are meant to be annoying! I become suppressed I cannot do anything for fear of being hit like a freaking truck!. THAT is how it SHOULD be. It is awesome!!!
The game is a far from perfect and has alot of work to be done but it is at its core very good.