Left-Click hold/charge not working

Issue Type (Required):

Player Mechanics

Issue Description (Required):

I am having this issue with my mouse not registering heavy attacks. I have a razer deathadder elite. This issue is only in this game. I click and hold left click and sometimes it registers a heavy attack, usually it doesn’t. What it likes to do is toss out a light attack and then follow up with a heavy. On high difficulties this is life and death. It did not used to do this as I have only recently been feeling the pain. I have 800hours in the game and know this did not use to be an issue. My drivers are up to date, I had customer support reach out and try to help me. I tried their suggestions which didn’t help. Recently I found a “double-click speed” setting in my windows mouse properites and set it to zero and it felt like it helped at first. Of course it seemed perfectly fine in the psykanium. Then in game the melee heavy seemed more reliable but my brain bursting was throwing matches as I would lose the tracked target about a half second into casting. Also does this with ranged weapons full auto turning into stuttering bursts which also get me killed. Auspex scans which get me killed. Anything left click and holding related. I want to say this started after the talent tree rework patch or the one shortly after it.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. I click and hold left-click for a heavy or charged attack like brain burst.
  2. It instantly throws out a light attack while im still holding and will sometimes then follow with a heavy or just spam light attacks. Brain burst will start to lock then immediately lose the lock (target still alive, me not getting stunned).
  3. I die because instead of a heavy attack stunning/killing the crusher i hit his arm with a light attack or the guy next to him.
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