
I’ve read some logs
16:50:31.583 [Lua] INFO [Matchmaker] Resolved latency_list: {
region = “aws-ap-northeast-1”,
latency = 236,
region = “aws-ca-central-1”,
latency = -1,
region = “aws-eu-west-1”,
latency = 70,
region = “aws-eu-west-2”,
latency = 61,
region = “aws-us-west-2”,
latency = 204,
region = “aws-sa-east-1”,
latency = 243,
region = “aws-ap-northeast-2”,
latency = 246,
region = “aws-us-east-2”,
latency = 408,
region = “aws-ap-southeast-2”,
latency = 292,
region = “aws-us-west-1”,
latency = 189,
region = “aws-ap-southeast-1”,
latency = 225,
region = “aws-eu-central-1”,
latency = 46,
region = “aws-ap-south-1”,
latency = 163,

Can I always play on “aws-ca-central-1” please!

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Where did you find those ?

Can’t wait for someone to find domains or ip addresses to block manually for the players to be able to play the game with a reasonable ping.

Well, as FS is not allowing mods I doubt we’re seeing it implemented any time soon.
I’d really love FS letting us to play only low ping games, cause I’m pretty sick dodging a trapper/dog/mutant and getting ccd anyways.
The logs are in here:

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