Kurnous' Reward doesn't work client side

Played the weekly event (Tzeentchian Twins + Vanguard) twice today as Waystalker. One as host and one as client.

Both times used Kurnous’ Reward. As host, I was able to get ammunition back upon killing elites/specials but not when I was playing as client.

  • Steps to reproduce the issue
    Play Tzeentchian Twins Weekly Event client side as elf

  • How consistently the issue occurs for you
    100% bug as client
    100% works as host


I’m pretty sure I’ve seen an acknowledged bug report on exactly Tzeentch + client causing this before, but good to add more reports :+1:


Yep,reported multiple times since release.Any sort of ammo related talent(except RV’s) are broken for clients so Kurnous Reward,Salvaged Ammunition,Shot Crafter and Deathly Dissipate.



I remember on launch two thirds of all talents used to not work as client but I thought all of them already got fixed already.

I don’t normally play anything other than Krubzie boi so I honestly didn’t know. Nothing showed up for me when I searched it here nor did any similar threads pop up on the right hand side when I was making this post.

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Damage reduction talents that proc off of specials/elites kill still works however which is what makes it weird for me.Maybe the ammo thing has something to do with how Guns Blazing still gives the host 1 ammo even when completely dry while clients get 0?

Most talents that revolves around killing a specific type of enemy doesn’t work when off host.
I believe Bounty Hunter’s Melee Reset Blessed Combat doesn’t work off host either.

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Only limited to ammo related talents.Vanish also seems to not proc offhost if the enemies can split into something else.Those that cant split procs it without a problem however


Huntsman’s elite/special DR talent also doesn’t work off host. Not just limited to ammo related talents.


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