KNOWN ISSUE: Darktide Not Loading on Xbox Series S

We are actively investigating reports that Darktide is not loading on the Xbox Series S. We will share any updates in the comments below.

Existing reports may be merged here, to help us keep track of the issues being reported.


Issue Type (Required):

Crash - on Launch

Issue Description (Required):

Xbox : Darktide unplayable as it does NOT launch at all. Have waited an hour on the launch screen and relaunched numerous times. Troubleshooting methods have no effect. Others having exact same problem.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

Xbox (Console)

Player ID (Optional):


I am having the same problem, It has been prevalent since the new update. I have tried moving darktide to external storage and then re-downloading it however the issue is still persisting. i have tried loading up Darktide from the home screen, doing so causes the game to stop on the box art, from there I have tried going into my games and apps and opening it again from there, where it only displays a blank, dark screen. has anyone else found any solutions?

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I’m afraid not, I am having the exact same issue. Tried reinstall, cleared the cashe (the ole Bethesda restart) no improvement. Just go to wait for fatshark to investigate.


i believe is related to the latest(1.4.2) hotfix, after game update, it cannot be launch

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I agree, I only started to have issues after said update.

We are investigating this, thank you for the reports. We’ve had reports from some players who are having issues, but other players have been able to enter the game fine. It’s important to point out that Xbox has also had serious outages since yesterday, which might be affecting things here, too.

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Love how every game on my Xbox works but darktide…. Come home from work to sit at the loading screen for an hour after a hotfix. Dope.

We are working on a lead that this might be happening only for Series S players. Can anyone confirm if they have either gotten in with a Series S or if they have or haven’t gotten in with a Series X?

Im on Series S and it hasnt let me in once

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Also on series S and facing the same issue.

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Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

Darktide Won’t launch on Xbox s, after hotfix patch 2gb. 3.7.2024

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

Stuck on launch screen forever.

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):


Yes series s here too.

Any word on an update?

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I’ve been experiencing the same issues on Series S, but sometimes starting it up will just flat out force my whole console to restart without any user input. Have not been able to actually load in yet though, always just sits at the launch screen or a black screen.

Edit: Got a single frame of the initial loading screen, but again it forced a full console restart. Hasn’t happened again since.

My game works fine on xbox series X. so could just be series S

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Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

The Patch today just made game unable to load/start on Xbox. All of my other games are fine. But I restarted my Xbox , closed the game 5 times, and it still doesn’t launch. It was fine yesterday.

The investigation continues into the evening, and we’ll let you know as soon as we have updates to share.


Im on Series S as well. Cant get in.

Im so sad. Just got back into the game, was ready to grind for some gear.

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