KNOWN ISSUE: Crash on Launch With AMD GPUs

yes,yes it is…one try on an amd rig and they would have known and frankly the amd thing makes not much sense coz under win11 everything works fine under amd and on win 10 everything works fine under amd BUT darktide and ppl are rightly pissed coz they pay for something that does not work! the only thing i dont under stand is the flag that julia gets…guess it happens because she is the closest to the door

hay being play the game for some time then the update come a long then the game don’t want to work no more?

GUID: 57f3991f-e598-4d43-8775-059008234b2b
Log File:
Info Type:

amd radeon rx 5700 xt
amd ryzen 5 3600x ±core processor


Can we have some update pls ?
Can we expect a hotfix today?

please don’t leave us in the dark


I am on windows 11 and I’m currently having this problem.

I posted my logs and reported on the issue to the Technical SUpport page, they locked the thread and combined it with this one.

TO retierate. I am on windows 11, I am having this issue, they told me it is the same as this issue but are now saying windows 11 doesn’t have problems.

The patch is rolling out and should be available for download soon.


Здорово, большое спасибо :partying_face:

Weeee :partying_face:

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Nice, tell the devs thank you. But also tell them to make a patch for the patch so we dont have to wait this long again please and thank you.

Not entirely fixed. Getting a file corruption error when I tried to login to a specific character.

GUID: d98f6f91-b506-4577-89e8-5d5d60054077
Log File:
Info Type:


P.S. Validation did come up with a single file corrupted. I am uninstalling and reinstalling the game.

finally, thank you and thank the devs

Are the helmet for the first community challenge been rewarded yet ? or will everyone get it at the end of the three challenge? because, this would be really inappropriate since a lot of player couldn’t play the first challenge, not because we didn’t want to but because we couldn’t.
Ah nevermind just need to claim it x)

I can confirm that this is still not working.

I originally reported it here Stuck on perpetual loading screen after selecting character

And you rolled it in to this thread as a known issue.

It is still ocurring after installing the latest update.

Here is the latest crash dump for you. I am using WIndows 11, which you have claimed is free of the issue. It is not.

GUID: 4f31543e-3dbf-4091-9094-2c1a28ec74af
Log File:
Info Type:

ok patch installed
just check files again and… it’s work !!!

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Try reinstalling the game. Might fix it. I started the installation before I go to work.

Nice patch, i can play, at 65 fps with an XTX, great as always

Спасибо всей команде, все работает :ok_hand:

sorry to hear you work for a company that doesn’t respect you

you’ve hardly had your money stolen, get over yourself - it will get fixed it’s just a case of when.

Expecting people to work through the night to fix something that, ultimately, isn’t that critical is very entitled.

Tried verifying first, then reinstalling, no dice unfortunately. Same problem.

I submitted another report in the technical suipport section, I just hope they take it seriously this time.