At this point, we can start making little side bets if the hotfix is going to break something else.
I have never seen such a low-effort presentation from ANY developer for a game that is still considered ‘young’ in its development cycle. It’s ridiculous.
I mean, I’m no expert in IT stuffs, but having an update cause issue that excludes about a third of the playerbase might have warranted to rollback the update asap, and trying to fix the issue before playing back the update. it sucks, sure, but well I’m not to sure if having that much off a already dwindeling playerbase getting really pissed would be that much better than if u were to rollback.
esp given that the update is tied to an COMMUNITY event, that a big part of the community can’t participate in.
2 days, at least, for fixing an issue that shouldn’t even happen on a release build, as just testing beforehand would most likely found it before the release, to me feels pretty inacceptable.
What a disaster. 48+ hours to fix a profoundly game-breaking bug that never should have made it through testing and QC that even the slightest bit of effort would have caught. And all during a promotional event.
Absolute incompetence by Fatshark leadership. They’ve done immense damage to the playerbase and game.
Erst wird geschrieben der Fehler wurde gefunden wurde und dann daran gearbeitet wird.
Im nächsten Antwort-Feld heißt es dann das noch nach der Ursache gesucht wird und am nächsten Tag dazu ein Kommentar bzw. Stellung bezogen wird woran es gelegen hat.
Dann das an ein hotfix gearbeitet wird, und dann noch oben drauf das es heute nichts mehr wird??? Euer ernst ???
Patch deaktivieren , und intern fertig stellen.
Nein aber so kann man das natürlich auch machen.
Lächerlich von euch.
Fakt ist von euch kaufe ich weder ein neues Game noch werde ich für vorhandenes in Game Geld ausgeben für irgendwelche Gegenstände oder Items. Support Grotten schlecht.
Solltet euch mal in Zukunft mit mehr Hardware auseinandersetzen und nicht nur auf Nvidia fixiert sein.
Are there gonna be some compensation for AMD GPU users who couldn’t play last 2 days? I feel very sad about it. maybe you’ll give some cosmetic things or smth like that
lmao probably not
at most we’ll get a half baked apology and an “it won’t happen again”
imagine not being able to access your steam account because you have a samsung ssd and steam decides to take 2 days to fix it
this is ridiculous and any other competent company would be pulling out all the stops at such an integral time to the game to make sure that it actually works as intended.
i don’t expect them to work all night, but at least work some overtime and actually attempt to fix the issues in a timely manner or roll back the game.
julia is the only person actually visiting these forums when it should be the executives personally apologizing for this baffling disaster after their outright lie of a trailer bragged about fixing the game
like who? EA or square enix or SD Project or Bioware (ahahaha)…
Julia wrote that they will try to fix it by tomorrow - by modern standards, this is very fast
well, i actually do expect them to work all night, if necessary. And i would also expect some people to lose their jobs over this. I mean the level of incompetence here is breathtaking. A 100% gamebreaking bug that effects a good third of the playerbase that should have never made it through any beta testing (we now know, fatshark obviously doesnt do beta testing). Someone should definitely be fired for this.
the simplest of fixes would have been to temporarily roll back the servers and fix from there
not having access to a game i’ve paid for is unacceptable in this day and age
just stunned how this got through and the company seems to not care in the least bit
i genuinely feel bad for julia having to mitigate this disaster.
Those of us who live on the real world and work in the real world understand that such fixes take time, especially when they do not want to break any MORE stuff in the process.
That said? I am frankly astonished that such a bug made it through the QA process in-house. I know that this is the modern world where players are the actual beta testers. I also understand that comprehensive QA takes both time and money that most developers cannot afford so it simply makes sense to put it out without testing as stringently as things were in the past . But… It is things like this when stuff gets missed that cause all KINDS of angst. Fatshark lost a LOT of goodwill with this.
My Granddad used to say that it only takes one ‘Oh CRAP!’ to eliminate any number of 'Well Done!'s and this was a hell of a ‘Oh Crap!’ moment.
I try to remain calm and objective since most of the world doesn’t seem to bother now, but OMG, this pushed me.
And what is our compensation?
If there is no compensation then SHUT DOWN THE SERVICE until the rest of us can play. Don’t create GPU war between Nvidia and AMD users. Let Nvidia users suffer with us and hate your guts the same way as we do. FatShark would not allow this embarrassment if we all had to go through it.