KNOWN ISSUE: Crash on Launch With AMD GPUs

Going from W10 to W11 did indeed solve the crashing issue. Without formatting the drive.

As an aside Iā€™d encourage everyone to change their reviews to negative. Even if and when this gets resolved, thereā€™s no denying Fatshark majorly dropped the ball in several ways here. Either they didnā€™t test at all, or they tested and decided to push forward regardless. Either way, with the slow content drip this was something the game desperately neededā€“and for AMD GPU users to be just sort of ignored over being unable to play? Itā€™s obscene, insulting, and patently ridiculous. Iā€™m not sure in the last thirty years Iā€™ve run into so insane of an issue with a game, and Iā€™m usually one of Fatsharkā€™s biggest fans. But this? This is too much even for the leeway I usually offer.


This is what happened to me when I upgraded a while ago.
Windows 11 just made my mouse not work properly (would work for like 2 seconds, stop for a second, work for 2 seconds, stop for a secondā€¦) and constant fps stutters. Couldnā€™t sort it, so downgraded back to win10.

It hecking sucks.

no ETA?

is it really gone?

Not yet

GUID: f5f36461-1c8c-49a5-8a47244aa9ca1fd3
Log File:
Info Type:
AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor
Radeon RX 580 Series

We have identified the issue and we are working to hotfix ASAP.


:muscle: :muscle:

Thank you, nice work. Can you give any details?

I will learn about what the issue was/is and let you know, likely tomorrow, as I donā€™t want to distract our developers during a hotfix build! :smiley:


Good call, thanks for the information. We ainā€™t happy! But we are not specifically mad at you, either :slight_smile:

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Very nice, Iā€™m probably one of the few who love the technical details, even when I cant understand it.

Though Im definitely not gonna be 1st out the gate to test it and see if it fries my PC, ill leave that to the masses.

Awesome, happy you identified it. :slight_smile:

Thank you for the update!

FĆ¼r was gibt es eigentlich BetazugƤnge??? Genau dafĆ¼r um eine VerƤnderung zu testen bevor sie Live geht. Und leider muƟ man hier sagen das euer Unternehmen in solch Sachen hinterher hinkt. Viele Entwicklerstudios bringen sofort Patches innerhalb von wenigen Stunden heraus und beheben kleine Fehler/Probleme. Und bevor etwas Live geht wird es meist in einer Beta eine gute Woche getestet.
Das Spiel ist Brilliant gar keine Frage, dennoch ist es um so wichtiger euren Support eurer Marke anzupassen.
Community ist das A und O und das sollte das wichtigste fĆ¼r eure Zukunft sein.

Diese kritische Aussagen von allen Membern solltet Ihr euch fĆ¼r die Zukunft zu Herzen nehmen. Klar kostet ein Support auch Geld, man nannte sie frĆ¼her Gamemaster kurz GM die 24 Std Support im Game Angeboten haben.

Ich und alle anderen Member hier geben gerne Geld fĆ¼r InGame KƤufe aus, nur das funktioniert nur wenn das Game was wie schon gesagt habe Brilliant ist, und auch der Support dazu passt.

Solltet Ihr mal drĆ¼ber nachdenken.

Sorry, I will not insult you with bad German translations from google, so this is in English: The thing that is really annoying people is that it seems that they pushed a broken patch knowing full well that it was broken.

German translates really easily through google actually, maybe I should have included it too.

24 hours after still nothing, how can a game deliver a patch like this ā€¦

they are working on a patch to fix the issue as they have found the issue still a very wrong idea to release a patch without checking for very big bug such as the one we who are AMD GPU users have had

please check if patch does not break nvidia cards :wink: