KNOWN ISSUE: Audio Issues After 1.6.1

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

EDIT: I updated my Nvidia drivers to the latest drivers, to no avail. Also tested another map (the one that came with the Grim protocols update). It seemed to happen rarer in that map, but the issue still occured.

Worked perfectly fine yesterday. Tried three games today, all games experiencing an audio bug, causing the audio to stutter when a lot is happening on screen. The audio even stutters so much at times, that all sound effects stop all together for periods of time.

Never happened to me before the hotfix that came out today.
Have tried playing with mods off, to no avail.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

1: Start a mission (I only tested psyker)
2: Play until enough enemies and commotion happens in game
3: Experience the audio from hell

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, and Iā€™ve tried disabling them

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

Player ID (Optional):



Same issue on Xbox. Whenever I hit a horde or a couple of elites audio goes straight down the tubes. Suffered a lot of lag and disconnects whenever the audio went crazy as well


Same for me if i use any spatial sound dolby, dts, or windows sonic i get static had to turn it off for now.


Experiencing the same on Xbox. Game stutters and sometimes crashes when the audio gets real bad. Game is unplayable like this. Donā€™t know if thereā€™s a workaround for Xbox.


Thanks for the tip! Iā€™m going to try to disable Windows sonic and see if it helps

Audio stuttering can be alleviated by changing the speakers to headphones and reducing the mix to low (some people also say that high mix can solve this problem)1

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

Todayā€™s hotfix somehow broke audio (which has been broken for a long time right now like my favorite bug which is SILENT SPECIALS but now its worse) because the audio is stuttering, absolutely insane!
For the Master of Mankind FIX THIS ASAP, this keeps getting worse.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

Play the game dude.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, and Iā€™ve tried disabling them

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Microsoft Store

Player ID (Optional):



Same issue since post-Havoc hotfix. Every match, worse when in high activity situations, hordes, continuous stubber fire, etc.

PC - Steam

Minor mods inc: ForTheEmperor, TrueLevel.


One guy in my thread fixed it by disabling windows sonic/dts/surround. If it works, it is a temporay fix, until Fatshark patches it

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Audio stuttering can be alleviated by changing the speakers to headphones and reducing the mix to low (some people also say that high mix can solve this problem)

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Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

During the mission where we restore coolant to the manufactorum, at the part where you climb down to the elevator to the last part of the mission, the audio breaks so bad it becomes impossible to hear anything besides a rapid glitch noise

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

Play mission I described
Get to part to where you climb down

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I donā€™t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):


Player ID (Optional):


Itā€™s in most levels . Game isnā€™t playable till itā€™s fixed sadly

Silent pox bursters hiding in closets are back.

Audio stuttering can be alleviated by changing the speakers to headphones and reducing the mix to low (some people also say that high mix can solve this problem)

Ah look once again PC players are getting special treatment, while I have to sit here on console with your broken game that you canā€™t seem to stop breaking every single update. Play test your updates thoroughly on all platforms before you implement the update, itā€™s common sense QC.

good to know, the reason is likely that the cause is different but the symptom is similar. Both issues get stuck on same place.

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could ppl update what hardware/settings they are using?

  • Headphones/Speakers

  • Windows 10, 11?

  • Spatial Audio Settings?

  • Game Audi Settings

  • Any special settings in OS? (I couldnā€™t see that xbox has any, but perhaps not visible unless i have some better speakers connected).

Perhaps we can find a common denominator. Seems like spatial audio is a good candidate so far, since itā€™s also a setup we might not have too many of.

The experimental branch is handling audio stutter due to io latency when reading files from disk, this is likely something else. All of the ā€œdeadlocksā€ i looked at so far has been mixing sound, so likely a looooong stall.


if the issue is 100% itā€™s likely that you have a setup that triggers some kind of code path we donā€™t reach when testing and thus have not noticed this.

and different audio devices could be such thing, since itā€™s very possible our audio system mixes sound differently for a 5.1 system compared to stereo system .

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Sadly it does not work for me. The game is still stuttering and sound crashing heavily with the experimental build on. I have no mods and never had any problem with the game until patch 1.6.1. My driver up to date and all my file are verified.

have you tried changing audio settings ingame? If you follow the thread it seems like this could be the best workaround atm.

also spatial audio settings in the OS (windows atleast)