Killshot Ready penance is unreasonable

Yes, I see that weakspot hits let you move. I wish it would be possible to track that timer without looking away from the screen.
And even then, 2500 kills at 10 stacks? That’s just stupid. Marksman’s focus is not a popular capstone for a reason, and it is not my job to figure out what to do with that.

Yeah, I agree.

Like with a lot of Penances, they seem to expect you to use it badly. The easiest way I did that penance was with a Kantrael 1a, hosing poxwalkers at head height (using Shock Trooper makes this at least somewhat ammo sustainable), with the sub-keystone “camouflage”, I was able to ramp up to 10 stacks and keep mowing down low health chaff in the head.

Its an awful penance design, and its an awful keystone.


I know right? It’s supposed to be a sharpshooter capstone, yet the most efficient way to use it is hosing down a horde.

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Sounds like you dislike the keystone and not how unreasonable it is to get the penance.

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It’s both, honestly. And also I dislike the HUD (yes I know there’s a mod for that).

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fatshark’s penances were designed to be passive rewards: you didn’t “grind” them, they were just happy outcomes. the problem are that: 1-they’ve been increasingly pushed to make penances chased as an active reward system which turns many of them into actively frustrating “goals” that you can’t chase without either a REALLY leanient premade and the right mission or being sweaty as hell in the lobbies and 2-the class-specific penances are usually made without any real bearing on if it’s actually useful to DO in the game.

that said this one in particular is wildly worse than the norm even then because the keystone this penance is based around is already nearly useless and playing explixctly around it is actively making yourself a dead weight around the team’s neck at the best of times (and just getting yourself killed alone when they run off ahead most of the time)


I find it funny that the Penance for Weapon Specialist is 250 critical headshot kills on elites and specials.

You know, the thing that Marksman’s Focus is good at…


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It’s not meant to be ground out in two days but just be something that is achieved over time by ordinary use of the associated talent.

However, like ANY such achievement, it can be ground out. Pretty quickly too. Take a plasma and dump it into any horde while at 10 stacks. My buddies just took turns with it and it took one 5 and the other 6 missions.

That one counts both ranged and melee.

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The penance isn’t bad. I enjoy marksmans focus a lot (especially now that the change makes it more or less a permanent buff, nice balance). Got that one without even trying for it, just doing aurics to see what changed etc.
If you want a tip for marksmans focus in general, it imparts the most benefit to high fire rate, low damage weapons. That way you get the most use out of the extreme amount of finesse damage you get from it. Think columnus iag or recon las. With exec stance for accuracy reasons it even makes braced autos and the autopistol great. With all those weapons you also tend to hose down blobs of enemies infront of you so the penance doesn’t have you do anything crazy.

I bet it sucks when trying to do it with an infantry lasgun or headhunter auto for sure, those generally suck with that keystone yet people keep doing it, but that’s just fatsharks inability to theme their skills properly. It’s not actually a sniper keystone, it’s a keystone for full auto weps. The 2500 number seems to acknowledge that, yet the skill is still sniper themed.


wep specialist is way better at it since it actually gives crit chance, and 100% at that. I said just now that marksmans focus is actually the full auto keystone, well, wep specialist is actually the sniper keystone. Whip out that revolver periodically for guaranteed handcannon crit headshots to oneshot crushers with, swap back to melee and enjoy your 10% AS and do it again 1 second later, etc. Plasma also works good. If you kill like 120 elites/specialists per match atleast half of those will be from wep specialist crits, on average, which makes it go quick

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Isn’t weapon specialist’s +crit% only on switching to ranged? Or does it persist even when you switch back to melee?

That penance is actually pretty easy to get. You just have to spam your gun at hordes.

Now this one here, that is the real stinker:
TLDR: it takes ~ 60 minutes of continuous shooting with the highest firerate available.

Best case, you have a 12% chance to get a free bullet.

So you have to fire around 4500/0.12 = 37500 bullets.

The fastest firing weapon that an ogryn has access to, is the Mk VII Twin Stubber with a firerate of 10.75/s.
Since you have to reload once in a while, let’s make it an even 10/s.

37500 bullets with 10 bullets per second → 3750 seconds = 62.5 minutes of continuous fire with the highest firerate weapon available.

Yes, Pointblank Barrage grants 25% rof bonus for 10 seconds. Doesn’t really matter here.


Many of the penances are made in incredibly stupid ways. A lot of them will not come from regular play, and will need you to actively do stupid things. Over a long period of time, over many missions.


I did it by getting the modifier that gives you stacks per second while crouched then just meleeing hordes down still crouched to not lose them. (I roleplayed bardin)

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Even Bardin gets to dodge with his giant chaingun…

Only ranged, but vet can achieve like 50% melee crit pretty effortlessly anyway

I believe this one took me 10 or more matches with an Achlys almost permanently firing. My poor teammates must have heard nothing but the RATATATA sounds for 20 minutes straight in each map.

Even 2500 would have been tedious but way more sensible.

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