That argument doesn’t really fly when Grail Knights are mounted knights.
If Kruber can be a Grail Knight then why shouldn’t Kerillian be a Sister of the Thorn, when they’re both cavalry units?
Besides, adding spells to her repertoire wouldn’t really step on Sienna’s role.
Sienna is a human wizard, her repertoire is already limited. Kerillian, as an elf, is a much more versatile potential caster.
While I think FS should be careful not to run the same shtick with all new carreers (take mounted unit sans the horse), Sisters of the Thorn go into a similar direction as the idea of having a “Dryad”-Keri, cause, iirc, one of the theories is that the Sisters are Elves possed by a dryad-spirit (or was it the other way around?). If the spells worked noticably different than Sienna’s magic, why not? I could also see them going a different route, make the spells more of a buff/debuff nature and move them into the potion- or bomb-slot.
I’d still prefer a Shadowdancer-carreer, but since we obviously will be getting a Warrior Priest of Sigmar-carreer for Salty and he would probably have a similar role when it comes to support, why not do the same for keri?
Nah, i really hope for a spellcaster class for the elf, there are already enough physical only classes in the game, just bring something to compete with all that sienning.
Honestly, I think if we wanted that, we’d need a new hero alltogether, something we will see eventually (VAMPIRE-LADY FATSHARK PLS DO EEEET). Wha I’d love to see would be a high-elven Hero that used a differend wind of magic with each carreer. That would be the tits.
Absolutely fantastic post by the way. A lot of fantastic ideas and well presented. Particularly some of the talents and the weapons suggested.
My ideas:
Maybe unique in its ability to take 2 melee weapons OR 1 melee and 1 range
Initially I thought the sword and spear wouldn’t work well, however, make it a short spear with thrusting and sweeping attacks and the overhead from the spear and shield. Could be mixed with stabbing and sweeping attacks from the sword as well. Would be weak against armour without sufficient stamina for armour piercing push attacks but would be extremely good against infantry.
*Asrai Spear could have some very cool twirling and sweeping attacks. Might also make way for a burning quarter staff for Sienna? I digress…
Spear and dagger? Not as good against infantry but the dagger would make it better against armour
Javelins: Would absolutely love to see this implemented. Something in the region of 10-15 ammo count with half the damage of the throwing axes?
Warcry/Wardance: Could stay as a war cry with 3 varied powerful support buffs OR changed to a Wardance stance for 10-15 seconds. Kerillian would lose 10-15% attack speed but would gain 20-35% extra power. In addition she would either gain damage reduction or ignore damage during and shortly after dodging.
Passive: Kerillian gains 15-35% damage reduction while dodging?
Passive or talent: Landing a charged attack reduces the damage the enemy deals by x%
Wanted to say again that this a real quality post. Well done
I like this and the work you’ve put into it. One detail though, what’s the place of the javelin ? I thought it was another weapon option, but the way it’s woven into perks and talents makes me wonder.
I dont really care if anyone disagrees with me when i say this but we dont need more clunky, unusable anti-fun throwing weapons in the game (throwing axes/javelins) and horrible ults like engineers ult.
I looked on the warhammer wiki and found that wardancers can dual wield, use 2h weapons and even use shields too, so there are plenty of old/new options for fatshark if they do decide to make wardancer the 4th class for elf.
As a proud elf hater since v1 beta, I approve. this world needs more elf haters!! it pisses me off seeing elfs succeed! i demand a “international spit on an elf day” and i demand it nao!
Your ignorance and foolishness is indeed amusing, though not surprising for the lesser race.
One can hardly expect a human, who lives like a rat with even shorter life-span, to comprehend the scope of accomplishments and sacrifices made by the Asur and Asrai alike…
Alas, be grateful for there still are some among your kind who are humble and cognizant enough to outweigh the ignorance of their lessers… for otherwise your kind would be doomed long ago.
I can see how the most mundane and natural actions of our people may seem like gloating to you, I guess it should be taken as a compliment. One conceived by a weak mind, but still.
You cannot fail a task you do not try to achieve, though. Nor can a fable of man’s desperate imagination own anything.
Really well thought out. I like it.
I would also like to see Wardancer of Sister of Thorne.
Either way, Javelins sounds great
make her Spear being able to Throw no Javs needed. Plus you get the Call back like on Throwing Axes. That Means that the Spear should be able to hit through at least 8 Enemies since you have only one. So no Charged Attack like on Throwing Axes, just a “Quick Throw” maybe.
This reminded me of Orion’s spear chucking in Total War Warhammer which just nukes an enemy into orbit. I don’t know about making it her special because then it would just be a ranged version of Grail Knight’s sword. My proposal is to have her unable to use bombs but instead have 3-5 javelins in her bomb slot which are only refilled by ammunition crates or maybe killing x number of specials and elites.
If it were her special however, I suppose bounty hunters ult would be a good basis.
I don’t think throwing weapons are inherently bad, and they’ve only introduced one of them so it’s not fair to say they can’t balance them properly. I’d think 8 javelins with plenty of armour pierce, stagger, cleaver and finesse multiplier with sped up recall animation and throwing animation could be very powerful.
Something along the lines of 1 hit headshot all specials and 2 hit headshot chaos warriors would be very useful. 1 hit body shot elites with power investment would also keep it very relevant.