Kantrael MG Ia needs buff

Why not just make a power shovel? There you go balance! :slight_smile:

No, we need a Bret shovel with riposte moves, itā€™s what Iā€™ve been lobbying for all along!


Shovel meta? lol

I mean just because IV needs less ammo that doesnā€™t mean the weapon doesnā€™t need a buff overall. It just means the ammo part of the weapon in particular is definitely out of whack.

Honestly I just wish theyā€™d commit to one or two rules for their weapons balance. For example, you can imagine a version of balance where, ā€œlasers pierce flak, but autoguns shred flesh,ā€ and then that means Kantraels, Accatrans, and Laspistols would also be known for being Awesome DPS vs. Flak Maniacs and Maulers, but Bad vs. Mutant/Maniac. Autoguns would be the other end of the spectrum (being awesome at the things lasers are bad at, and vice-versa).

Well thatā€™s very different from the current balance we live in where Accatrans are weirdly terrible against many specials that Kantraels are great at (currently Kantraels are great vs. Maniac/Mutant, so the opposite of what I just described above, but Accatrans are bad against Mutants, bad against a lot of other specials/elites actually, but weirdly better than Kantraels vs. Maulers ā€“ though still not particularly amazing.)

There are a lot of other ā€œrulesā€ one might create though, so Iā€™m not saying this is the only way to take things. For example it couldā€™ve been, ā€œhigh caliber weapons pierce armor betterā€, which is just a logical thing you also see in real life. So then youā€™d have the armor-piercing lasguns (Kantrael XII) and the flesh-ripping lasguns (ultra-fast-firing Accatran VId) at opposite ends of the spectrum, and Autoguns would run a similar spectrum with high-damage Agripinaas being good against armor and fast-firing Graia/Columnus being good at shredding flesh.

Picking 1 rule like that would both help the designers hone in on good balance faster, and give players easy rules to tell each other (like if someone expresses frustration at dealing with Mutants, you would be able to say ā€œjust use lasersā€ or ā€œjust use fast-firing gunsā€).

To have things be pure chaos where the attributes (laser/bullet, low/high caliber, etc) of a weapon donā€™t give you any information about what that weapon might perform against just feels off. (In part because it means the lore is internally inconsistent. You can definitely headcanon ā€œoh, they developed flak armor because autoguns used to be the main way they shot at each other, but then they developed lasers to pierce the armorā€ and that has an internal consistency to it. The high caliber = armor piercing thing is not just internally consistent with lore, but also reality. So picking some of these things will help the world feel a bit more real and less ā€œgameyā€ in addition to the balance benefits.)

Can U Dig It GIFs | Tenor

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It kills. There is also extra small chance to find it with Render. And yeah, donā€™t need much mobility, when things are dying fast infront of you.

I only wish that shovel could have brittle blessing

I wish it had slaugter

melee only iā€™m afraid. melee blessings tend to be more impactful.

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Yeah, honestly all ranged blessings should probably be stronger. (And honestly Iā€™d be willing to take a hit in base ranged DPS so that ranged blessings can be the same 30% that melee blessings should be. And by ā€œshouldā€ I mean some melee blessings are stupid +75% DPS increases currently and need to get balanced.)

I think the MG Ia mostly needs 40 to 60 more damage, about 1 or 2 more mags of ammo and slightly better flak pen.

MGIa should be 2 round burst at 2 ammo per shot and MGIV should be 3 round burst.