Issue Description:
Ratings of items is severely bugged. Modifier rating sometimes changes when consecrating for no reason (even though modifiers don’t change). Some curios have the wrong rating altoguether. I can add the blessings and the perk rating and it adds to a different number than the overall rating is showing. My 3 currently equiped curios on my Zealot all show wrong rating. One of them has 5 more rating than it should while the other 2 have +10 rating.
Steps to Reproduce:
Just consecrate a weapon. Or look at curios, most of the new ones have the wrong rating, the old ones that I had in my inventory show the right rating, though. So it is a bug only on new curios and weapons it seems.
Player ID:
Steam ID : 76561198040440909
Reproduction Rate:
Often (<75%)
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