It sucks that bots are so garbage when you can't get anyone else to join

Heresy match after heresy match, there’s no one online. It’s always 3 bots, and they all suck. All veterans, no talents, no upgraded weapons, no boons, it’s like I’m actually playing with all level 1’s who can’t even save you from a poxhound.

The bots weren’t great in Vermintide, but jeez good luck getting through ANY Level 3 match or above with literal dead weight on you.

Why the hell aren’t bots using the characters you’ve built up as alts in the same way that V2 did? I know that they don’t want bots to be great because then why would you play with other people, but if everyone’s leaving because they don’t like the game, bots need to be able to fill that role, otherwise the rest of the population’s gonna be gone too.


fs list

Do you play on gamepass? I don’t have too much issue getting heresy groups on steam.

I think it has something to do with matchmaking being buggy or not working correctly, because to get matches you should only need a few hundred people to be playing at most because there is essentially no criteria for what player can join what game. I do sort of wish there wasn’t such a restriction on the lobby though. like if I am by myself in a lobby, why does it need to close after a minute? I feel like it should only do the minute countdown after it has been filled with 4 people, and if fewer decide to go ahead with bots then they can all hit ready and the game starts.

I do agree though, the bots are truly horrible. The worst part is that they are CONSTANTLY falling off things. You turn around and they have jumped off some cliff or something. Other times I have had a sniper I had trouble getting because it was positioned awkwardly and watch as one by one the bots just wander line lambs to the slaughter into the red line.

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