It is difficult for colorblind people to distinguish zealot flame grenade from enemy flame grenade. Adding special particles could help that

I have a few friends who have commented that they are not able to discern zealot flame grenade flames from nurgle grenadier flames as the colors are so similar. I would like to suggest adding a toggle option to make friendly flames emit Inquisitorial “I” particle effects, while Nurgle flames emit a small Nurgle sigil effect. This would make flames more readable to color impaired people and anyone else who has trouble distinguishing between flames.


I’m not sure whether such a thing would actually help. There is already enough going on on the screen without having additional icons popping up amidst the hectic pell-mell of combat.

I’m red-green colourblind and I have no idea whether its an enemy grenade, barrel or Zealot’s incendiary grenade unless I’m the one who threw it; it gets even more confusing when there is a lot of red/orange around due to the lighting in some of the missions. It would certainly help me if the Immolation grenade gave off a more blue-white type of flame to suggest the contents being Blessed in the sight of the God-Emperor (etc).


It wouldn’t have to be a different icon. A different colour of flame could also work. We’ve already got green from tox flamers and regular fire for everything else and while we treat those the same as players, we can clearly see that they’re from different sources.

Not to be that guy but there is a mod that should let you and your friends choose a color for any given fire effect. You might even choose black so you can ignore it more easily.

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