Is toughness regen worth it on ogryn curios still?

i’ve got all 3 of them with the 30% increase, and i haven’t bothered to change any of them since before the class update. are they worth keeping or should i re-roll it to something else?

  1. Gunner resist. With 3x 20% gunner resists you can 48,8% damage reduction against gunners. Which is huge.
  2. 5% Health, Ogryn’s base health makes this very noteworthy
  3. Whatever you like. I run 2 toughness regen and 1 stamina regen
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yeah, i already have gunner on all of them lol but i also have toughness regen on all of them for some reason. i guess i’ll swap it out for health and toughness.

Just swap the perks and try if you don’t have the slot locked.

Should still be a good pick for any Ogryn build that has lynchpin and/or towering presence on it. The reduction in delay especially I think is really noticeable when you’re dealing with ranged mobs.

I treat them as a must on every character and build. Afaik that +90% toughness regen doesn’t only affect the coherency regen speed but also buffs the delay before it starts. Coherency regen stops every time you take any hits, even ranged, or go out of coherency for even a moment. So in a typical fight stacking those perks will consistently let you generate loads of toughness even when normally you wouldn’t get any or just very little.

Same, I run 3 x 30% Toughness Regeneration and it allows me to forgo toughness regeneration feats I would have otherwise needed so I’m free to chose others.

Had my ogryn main buddy swap to gunner resist. He can now just walk at squads for the most part. Such a game changer for him.

You’re all sleeping on x3 revive speed

i have revive speed already lol

I was thinking about giving it a try.

Does it work for all cases?

  • Dead
  • Down
  • Ledge
  • Net

It works on downed teammates, pretty sure it doesn’t work on the ledge and the net. Not sure about the dead.

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