Is this price a mistake?

The versus shop has a portrait for 999 currency. There isn’t even anything special about it and the number is weird. Is this just a mistake?


it’s on purpose; check the frame description

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When I buy that portrait I’m going to submit a support ticket to deduct exactly one mark from my account because I will not be able to bear seeing that imperfect number ever.

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I was miffed at the idea too. But then again, it would be kinda cool to shop everything and be left with exactly 1 coin. You know, like a lucky coin of sorts.

There isn’t any way to gain those coins once you’re done with the challenges, right? Besides a low amount when you level up on vs (10, I think). Does that stop too once you hit the rank cap?
is the total amount just enough to get every cosmetic?
I see many poses are missing though, like repeater pistol or 1h weapon poses for saltzpyre, most weapos for kerillian etc.

do this with shillings too plz.

new portraits to the game at 10k shillings or even more.