Can you make it so that we can use Shillings to purchase Weapon Poses

I do not play versus nor do I want to. I am currently sitting on a pile of shillings (over 5k) and I would like to spend them on weapon poses. So could you guys add the options to spend shillings on weapon poses (maybe 500 shillings for each pose?)


Weapon Poses are pretty much useless outside of versus anyway and farming the sellsword marks to buy just the poses shouldn’t be that time-consuming. Just the kill counter rewards from the 5 weekends should get you about half of them and you get a good amount for just playing (not even counting achievements) early on. The bigger hassle is getting the marks for the weapon illusions. But, they’re all literally recolours of the Weave illusions.

I enjoy taking cool screenshots in campaign/chaos wastes which is why I want weapon poses. Also I don’t want to be a hinderance on my versus team which is why I posted here. I am (debatably) good at the normal game but my last (and only) attempt versus has shamed my family deeply to the point a ghost of my dear Great Great Great Uncle Hermophrades appeared and spat on me and called me a lot of old timey insults. I am also drowning in Shillings and I’m not Scrooge McDuck so I cannot swim in the money and would like something to spend them on.


Same here. I just have about 50k. It would be nice if we could use them for something…


I appear to have exaggerated when I said I was drowning in shillings… this man right here is drowning in shillings