Is the Plasma gun bugged?

I’ve noticed that if I hit the arms of enemies the shot doesn’t penetrate and dmg the body as well. I think the bolter does this (where if you hit the arm and the shot goes through the body as well it counts as a body shot) but the plasma gun that can penetrate much thicker cover than the bolter doesn’t?

It happens a lot on uncharged shots, do they not have penetration? It really seems like a bug but I’m not sure, so I’m posting it here.

The positioning of the weapon is problematic, and not many people use it even though the properties are poor
Shotgun can penetrate 100 meters of shield soldiers, but plasma can not do, plasma is like a joke

IIRC the plasma gun does penetrate enemies, it just doesn’t kill them if it hits the arm

Then can you leave the bug report with evidence so they would fix it

The plasma gun needs a lot of love. What you have mentioned is one of the main fixes it needs but not the only one.

Things I’ve noticed about it:

If it hits an arm, it does limb damage despite being something that should burn an arm off. This makes it feel really inconsistent for what a powerful weapon it’s supposed to be.

If it hits a weapon someone is holding it does 0 damage. This feels bad.

With how precious health is, venting to do health damage is a real putoff. If it burned through toughness first many more people would use it.

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It also, for some reason, doesn’t hit the head of Maulers. Everytime I hit a Mauler’s head in the Psykhanum, it registers as Flak rather than carapace armor, which is a problem if you have bonus damage vs Carapace.

The Plasma gun sucks. It should melt through the entire crowd and decimate hordes like they’re made of wet paper. But then what would be the point? I think they added the Plasma gun because it’s an awesome weapon from an awesome universe setting. But I don’t think they have any good ideas on how to make it functional and fun for this game. It’s too OP to be used as it should. And it’s a hassle with the Heat management as is. They should admit it’s broken, take it out, and leave it out.

With how the special Mk IX shotgun’s ammo works atm…why would you use plasma?

They should have double downed on how dangerous it is with getting hot, but made the projectile burn right through a line of enemies with the charged shot.

The uncharged shot could stay as is with a little more damage(it should one shot almost any target, but no penetration.)

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