Is Darktide legal?

Beta ended two days ago and the withdrawal symptoms are pretty bad. I still think about Darktide. Running through dark corridors and peering into glowing chasms. At night I toss and turn, dreaming about Darktide. Zealot greathammer special attack - charge - bang. F*** yes.

I ponder what Ogryns eat and if I should imitate it. Cook like they do. Silly idea. But unrelatedly what do they eat?

So I think Darktide may need to be regulated like an addictive substance. Get a government health sticker. Insurance coverage. Compensation for destroying my interest in other video games. We can negotiate the details.

Hey, wouldn’t it be cool to have a sword+autopistol combo weapon? Like VT2 rapier. I can already imagine myself charging into an industrial stationary mill guns blazing. The imperium needs its paperclips.

Is there any chance of moving up the launch window? Or a second beta? Oh I know! You still need to test the um - umm… Any ideas guys?

Anyway, game’s great. I’m of sound mind. Doubt is the first step towards heresy, as my therapist used to say.


i think there will be a Open Beta next month

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god I hope, I’d love to see how/if they’re responding to feedback

dont expect too much in one month time. SOme saidd the build was months old, but well see…

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Get some vermintide in - it will help you to alleviate the withdrawal symptoms.

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It just makes it worse :frowning:

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Zaygr is right. Sienna’s beem staff just doesn’t fill the lasgun craving.

I think I got it too. Must’ve been a dirty seat in the toilet.
It’s 3 days away and I got the shakes.