I’ve been getting back into playing Vermintide 2 lately, and have been having quite a bit of fun. Even bought the game for my friend.
However, I’ve been having issues with seemingly random crashes. At any moment - usually while playing a mission - I will get BSOD, with the error message: clock_watchdog_timeout.
The crashes seem to happen more frequently when I am the host of the games - but they happen regardless of this.
Now- I’m not particularly tech-savy, so when I look up the FAQ’s and how-to’s of dealing with this issue on Microsoft forums, I get confused. I haven’t seen any other player on these forums report this problem either.
I’ve tried a few things already to remedy the situation.
- I’ve tweaked graphic settings.
- I’ve checked the temperature of the GPU.
- I’ve wiped my PC, and reinstalled Windows 10.
I suppose I should add that I don’t have this issue with any other game - only Vermintide.
Any and all help/advice would be much appreciated.
Thank you!