Ironhelm thunderhammer charge goes away after vaulting

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

ironhelm charge dissipates after vaulting i did not test this on other weapons but its most likely similar

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. charge hammer
  2. vault

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

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PC - Steam

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another issue with ironhelm it struggles with bulwarks it often hooks the shield or the carapace shoulder for no reason
also pls buff its carapace adm

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It’s related to the buggy mess from end of Sep '24 power activation state being lost on hit (stun) when they added the 2 handed power swords and half-fixed the force and chain weapons, and nil fixed the power weapons.

2h power sword:

weapon_template.weapon_special_tweak_data = {
	keep_active_on_sprint = true,
	keep_active_on_stun = true,
	keep_active_on_vault = true,

2h chainsword (eviscerator):

weapon_template.weapon_special_tweak_data = {
	active_duration = 4,
	keep_active_on_sprint = true,
	keep_active_on_stun = true,
	num_activations = 1,

2h thunderhammer:

weapon_template.weapon_special_tweak_data = {
	active_duration = 5,
	allow_reactivation_while_active = true,
	disorientation_type = "thunder_hammer_light",
	keep_active_on_sprint = true,
	only_deactive_on_abort = true,
	special_active_hit_extra_time = 0.5,
	push_template = push_templates.medium,

1H power sword (old vet)

weapon_template.weapon_special_tweak_data = {
	active_duration = 3,
	allow_reactivation_while_active = true,
	keep_active_on_sprint = true,
	num_activations = 1,

The only weapon that has keep_active_on_vault = true properly set are the new 2 handed power swords (relic) after they reworked the flags for more conditions.
I guess we should be happy the keep_active_on_sprint flag is set huh.

TLDR Buggy mess since end of Sep '24 and only very partially “fixed” for some weapons; 5 months and counting.