Ironbreaker - Talent for "No Overcharge Slowdown"

What do you guys think of Ironbreaker getting a talent like “No Overcharge Slowdown” similar to the one Unchained gets as a default perk?

It would be a fun and flavorful way of building him as an Irondrake with the fire weapons. It synergizes with “Drakki Wrath” at level 10, giving him more potential to damage/crowd control.

The best place to put it would be at level 25, to replace the unexciting “Miner’s Rhythm”. Otherwise if there was a balance concern, put it at level 10 and replace “Crushing Counter-Blow”. That way, you couldn’t pick Drakki Wrath at the same time.

No. Bardin is not a wizard.

Also, Miners Rythym is essential to several weapons, such as shields.


I agree, except for what you write about the talent. It has good synergy with tankier builds.

He most definitely is, or maybe rather a bard with a few arcane tricks up his sleeve. Tricks like making paintbrushes vanish for instance.

On a more serious note though, Sienna is venting herself while Bardin is venting his drakefire weapons. (no idea what the lore says though)

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