Invert MergeStrikeTeam for better socializing

I wish teams were automatically merged after a mission with an option to opt out of the merge.

In VT2 I found a couple of friends by just playing some missions in succession together. In Darktide it seems that people don’t stick together after a mission and I think one reason for this is that people are lazy af. If they don’t get merged automatically they just don’t do it on their own.


I feel like it’s one of the design decisions that killed naturally forming communities.


But it’s great for making sure we get a mix of skins… I mean new players to play with!


An action you’re not sure about what it’s gonna do shouldn’t be opt-out, always opt-in.

I’d rather they remove that feature altogether, since it prevents everyone else from getting out of the lobby.

well, I am mitigated about this…
Rare times I found a goood gooood team… more times I find people that are good enough and it would profit that we could chain missions (yesterday got that… a good Ogryn, and the team was with good players, but we did not play as a team cause we did not adapt each others).

But… lot of time I really welcome the end (death) screen cause it was a pain to play until now.

I guess VT2 players have more experience on this than me. At the end of the day, I think the system would bring more good things than create problems…

So, I would like something at the middle of both worlds…

An option to allow that (and I think I would activate it, seems interesting)

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To be like VT2 is much better, provided more consistent runs without downtime and quickly move onto next mission without hunting for another match with randoms.

So default to be “stay in team” and it randomly moves onto next mission in same tier is good idea.

In the space of one year there was only 2-3 instances where after a DT match ended people actually chose to stick together. Very rare everyone chooses merge team.


i tried HD2 yesterday (refunded, but not because of bugs or MM (deactivate xplay and it works), but because of bad performance 20fps, soundstuttering…)

It keeps you in your group like in VT1 and you are on someones ship until they kick you or the group just disbanded.
the result for me is only more loading screens and longer time waiting for next mission.
Had not a single group that wanted to play further and go into next mission.

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in DT you wont have more loadingscreen cause of disbanding a group.
Cause if you do so you stay on the same keep anyways until you start a new mission youre just not in the fireteam anymore. becaus theres no keep host


hm I rarely get a bad team so that I would not want to stick with them for a few missions.

May I ask what difficulty and region you are playing on? On Auric/Damnation (EU) I m usually happy with my team.

I dont know what you mean with “you dont know what it will do”.

I m just sad that DT feels like you are just playing with random bots every mission when you are playing solo.

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Usually Auric… but when I train a build (like I did for the veteran with AIG MKV + New Dagger) I played on Damnation.
The gap between the 2 is huge. In damnation you can find people that don’t know basis… like the guy with a recon lasgun that steal ALL ammos… even when you have less than 1 clip and even if he had more than 80% ammos…
you can meet an ogryn that has lot of wounds and get on floor every 5 minutes…

Damnation can be fun… depend of what you’re looking for.

Wouldn’t need the key at all if we had a functioning LFG tool. You know, something really basic that when selected flags your character as looking for a group. Then gives you the option to put in which difficulty(s) you want, etc. While allowing anyone searching the LFG room to message said person, if acceptable invite them to form a group, and when the group is ready pick a mission etc. You know, simple and easy stuff that has a much smaller data footprint than sound files.

And no the abomination of a personal data vacuum that is Discord does not qualify as a LFG tool. Aside from its glaring general faults the very fact that only certain people can invite someone else into each room helps fracture a playerbase that is already badly split. Of course if you’re a bottom-feeder that does community management that is probably what you want. The more players are divide along various lines the easier it is drive out certain “undesirable” groups.

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