
The forge is up to date now there is still a subject:

what do we do with the hundreds of useless objects inventory (useless even for the forge i mean) ?

Apparently spend two million ordos to get a 380 weapon it sounds like.

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Personally, I’m selling this. Since a gray weapon 300 is unlikely to produce anything good, just sell it. Better to try to buy and improve something 370+ than this junk 300, which is easier to sell and get some money back.

You can “barter” the items in your inventory.
By default it’s holding the X key while hovering over an item or having it selected.
At max level, a grey item gives you roughl 900-2000 dockets and I’ve seen legendary items go for 4500. Yeah, not ideal, but better than sitting on it.

What they should have done is include a melt down option so you can get more crafting materials from these, especially Plasteel since it’s in short supply.

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